One White Tiger's Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Page

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to this page since December 1, 1997.

Cool Biotech Links
Biomolecular Research Tools. The roadmap to the biomolecular
universe on the Web
Biomolecular Databases
Molecular Modeling
Genome Databases
Other Biomolecular Links

- Search Databases
- Database Manipulation

- Arabadopsis
- Drosophila
- E. coli
ECDC at Uni-Giessen, Germany
- Human
- Human Mitochondria
- Mouse
- Yeast

- Promega.
Restriction enzymes, plasmids, DNA isolation kits, many more
biochemicals and kits for molecular biology.
- Boehringer
Restriction enzymes, biochemicals; numerous enzymes and kits for
molecular biology
- Fisher Scientific.
Major supplier of many biochemicals and general laboratory supplies
and equipment.
here to
access Fishers's Online Catalogs.
- Stratagene.
Plasmids, restriction enzymes, biochemicals, cDNA libraries;
numerous enzymes and kits for molecular biology
- Sigma Chemical Company.
Biochemicals, chemical reagents, organic chemicals, bio-active
peptides, hard-to-find biochemicals.
- Clontech.
Plasmids, cDNA libraries, genomic libraries, total RNA preps,
hard-to-find biochemical reagents; numerous enzymes, reagents, and
kits for molecular biology
- Amersham.
Blotting membranes, radiochemicals, cytokines, antibodies,
restriction enzymes; other enzymes, reagents, and kits for molecular
biology. NOTE: Amersham and Pharmacia Biotech have recently merged.
- Bio-Rad.
Equipment, supplies, and reagents for chromatography, gel
electrophoresis, and blotting.
- Pharmacia Biotech.
Plasmids, restriction enzymes, biochemicals, numerous enzymes
and kits for molecular biology. Equipment, supplies, and reagents for
chromatography, gel electrophoresis, and spectrophotometry.
NOTE: Amersham and Pharmacia Biotech have recently merged.
- Oncor.
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes, tools for
study of cancer, cell regulation, and apoptosis.
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