The next day started bright but the impending battles cast a shadow across everyone’s morning. Women, children and those boys too young to join gathered in the market square to watch as the army left. Xena looked about at the passing faces. In some there was hope, others dispair, but each was a face of someone who might lose a loved one in the coming fight. She thought of her own family, wondering if they were alright. "Worried about home?" Pheolia asked bringing her mount up beside Xena.
"Yes," Xena replied, "I didn't leave on the best of terms with my mother." "I know." Pheolia said, "I didn't with mine either. And being the eldest daughter didn't help. She felt I was setting a bad example for my younger sister, but Trellia has no interest in swords."
Lyissa pulled forward and said, "All Amazon girls are treated the same. Those that wish not to learn our ways are allowed to leave, thought they are few and far between. But each girl is valued for what she is, not what she does."
"If only it could be that way everywhere." Pheolia said
The army rode on, the tension growing with each league they traveled. As night fell, they set up camp and set the sentry watch. Those with an early watch went to sleep, while others sat around fires talking quietly. Uripitus made rounds through the camp, stopping at each fire to talk briefly with those around it. As he approached the fire Xena shared with her companions, he looked gravely at Lyissa. "How are you holding up?" He asked all three, "We should be meeting Usyrus' army by late tomorrow afternoon, and I want everyone to be ready." He again looked at each of them then said as he looked at Lyissa, "and I don't want any suicide runs either." He apparently knew of Lyissa desire to kill Usyrus personally and was concerned. Lyissa's expression remained unchanged, Xena wondered if she heard anything Uripitus said beyond the name Usyrus. Glancing at Pheolia, she saw the same concerned mirrored in her face and knew that Pheolia would also try to keep Lyissa alive.
Fog covered the camp in the early morning, the light mist giving the landscape an erie feeling. The army moved out slowly, their progress hampered by the mists covering them. Scouts were sent out and returned with sighting of Usyrus and his army. "Sir," the scout said, "Usyrus has his army just ahead. I couldn't get a good look at them but they seem to be awaiting our approach."
"Very well, "Uripitus said, "Let's make ready to deploy." Runners were sent out and the army split into its three sections. Xena stayed close to Lyissa, keeping her in sight at all times. (xxx) and (xxx) took their troops out to flank Usyrus, Uripitus formed the remaining up and continued forward.
The mists began to clear as they rode into a clearing, Usyrus sat upon his horse opposite them his army speadout behind him. Uripitus motioned for his runner and sent him forward, Usyrus also send a man forward. The exchange was brief and then both runners returned.
"Sir, Usyrus rejected any idea of leaving the area."
"Very well, " Uripitus said his face hardening, "Prepare yourselves! Charge!"
Both armies rushed forward, the screams echoing across the grass as they charged in for battle. Xena spurred Argo forward, staying close to Lyissa's side. Uripitus was just ahead of them with Pheolia close behind. Xena could feel the heady rush of excitement rise in her as the air rushed by her. As the first warriors met, the clash of steel sang through the warcries. Xena swung to her left, then her right, clearing a path as she rode through the sea of steel.
"Lyissa!" She cried, "We must stay with the other!" Xena prayed Lyissa would hear her and slow her pace, but was determined to stay close. Lyissa's horde stumbled, bringing her advance to a stop ad she feel to the ground. Xena quickly dropped beside her and standing back to back they fought. Pheolia, seeing Lyisa fall, spurred her horse forward, not noticing the sword rise behind her.
Xena watched as the world slowed. Pheolia fell from her hors, blood streaming from her shoulder. "NO!" She screamed running, as Pheolia fell to the ground. Lyissa also watched and ran to where Pheolia fell. They shood over her, keeping the warriors around them at bay.
Soon, the others joined them and Uysrus' army was defeated. But the the losses were great, well over half of their band was dying or wounded, Pheolia among them. Xena knelt by her friend murmuring sounds of reassurance. "Xena," Pheolia whispered, "Xena..."
"Don't speak Pheolia" Xena replied, "Save your strength. We can talk later."
"No," Pheolia said, "I will not be speaking to you except in your dreams and memories. I must say this now."
"Don't talk that way, you are going to be just fine." Xena said tears streaming down her face
"I want you to remember who you are,." Pheolia said her voice weakening, "You are a great force in the world, make your mark, become the great hero you are destined to become..."
"We will," Xena said, "You and I will take the world by storm..."
"No, Xena...I will not be with you. Remember who you are......" Pheolia's voice trailed off her body racked by a cough, then she lay still.
"NO!" Xena cried aloud shaking Pheolia, "Don't go!"
Lyissa, standing beside Xena, laid a gentle hand on her shoulder, "Xena, she is gone."
Xena, shrugging off Lyissa's hand, her eyes filled with tears, lowered her friend to the gently to the ground. "Good bye." , she whispered softly, her tears falling on Pheolia's face, "I shall remember you, always." The sharp pain she felt settled into a dull throb as she prepared Pheolia's remains. Lyissa offered her help, but Xena rejected it, this was her task. Xena cleaned the blood from her friend's body and armor, placed her sword at her side, and combed out her hair. Pheolia looked as if she only slept, Xena wanted to shake her and see her smiling face once more. The memories flooded Xena's mind, the happier times when they were in training, their reunion, Pheolia's bright smile. Xena wanted to scream out "Why did she die?!"
The most of the dead were burned together, Xena, with Lyissa's help, erected a pyre for Pheolia apart from the others. At night fall Xena lit the pyre sending Pheolia on her journey. As the fire engulfed Pheolia, Xena sang a death song to her spirit, pouring all her strength and love into each word. When she finished, Xena was totally drained, Lyissa half carried her back to their shared tent.
Gabrielle watched Xena as she relayed the death of her friend and companion Pheolia. The small bard could see the pain run deep into Xena's heart. "Xena.." she said softly, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to reopen painful memories."
"Well, it was long ago." Xena replied forcing the pain back.
"But you still grieve don't you?" the bard replied, "You grieve for so many..."
"Gabrielle, when you are a warrior..." Xena started
"Don't give me that you expect death, like it doesn't bother you Xena." Gabrielle cut in, "I know each death pains you."
"Yes it does." Xena said, "And each has its own kind of pain."
"And life goes forward," Gabrielle said, "But it doesn't stop the pain."
"Right." was all Xena said
They continued on in silence until they reached a small outcrop of rocks. They were too well organized to be natural, so the bard assumed this was Pheolia's grave. She stopped letting Xena approach alone, giving her time to say whatever she might.
"Pheolia..." Xena whispered, "Pheolia I know somehow you watch over me..." Xena gently laid a callused hand upon the topmost stone "I know you can see what I have done, what I am now at peace my friend.."
Xena then stood up, her shoulders pulled back and said "Gabrielle, let's go."
As the sun burned high above them, Gabrielle thought she heard a soft voice above the breeze saying "Be at peace, Xena, Amazon Queen, defender, and friend..."
Ok Here is where I end this story...its taken me so long to get this far..I may in the future add more to it..but dont hold your breath... and I still haven't got a title for it..oh well... I have started another story but this one will be more centered on Gabrielle...No its no where near ready for release yet...don't worry I'll get it posted somewhere....and probably post it to Xenaverse too.