Part 2
The Fire Within

"Why?" her mother asked, "Why can't you stay here?"

Xena spent the following days sparing with Lysius at dawn, helping her mother during the day, and riding Argo around her old haunts. Dawn, the fourth morning, she made her good byes. Lysius was unhappy but made no protests.

"Mother, I want to see the world. I want to go out and help others. Staying here I won't be able to."

"Very well, You know how I feel, I can't stop you." her mother said turning to go back inside.

The lack of support hit Xena like a blow. She knew her mother loved her, but why couldn't she accept her the way she was? Packing the last of her provisions on Argo, Xena hugged Lysius and left Amphipolis. As she rode out, she turned only once to wave a last time at her brother.

Xena enjoyed the open country side and rarely spent time in the surrounding villages. She stopped for the night once in a small village just outside of Pellas. While sitting in the local inn enjoying a drink, some of the local militia came in. They were young, arrogant, and newly trained. The leader of the trio, a tall blonde, yelled for drinks as they sat opposite her at the long table.

"Looky what we have here guys." he said, "little girl here thinks she's a man."

"Hey girl! why aren't you at home tending your babies?" another one yelled.

Xena let the ridicule go on, ignoring them as best she could. She knew nothing good would come from joining the conversation.

"Maybe she hasn't got a husband yet, Krolius."

"You're probably right, Talvus. Think she needs a real man to show her what she's missing?"

"Yeah I think she does. Go ahead Krolius, show her what a real man is like."

"Think I will." Krolius said moving around the table.

He swaggered over to Xena and grabbed her arm saying, "Come on girly."

Xena , looking up at him with death in her eyes, jerked away saying, "You don't want to do that."

"Ho, HO, fellas. Look the wench has got teeth. Don't worry, I'll pull em out for you." Krolius said pulling her up off the bench.

As she left the bench, Xena spun around breaking his hold, deftly landing a backhand across Krolius' face. Reeling from the blow, Krolius glared at Xena, a growl escaping his lips.

"You'll pay for that girly." he hissed at her, " Get Her!"

Xena backed away from the table watching with cold eyes as Krolius' companions rose from their seats. Talvus moved around, drawing his dagger and swinging it in a low arch. Xena, undaunted, moved with lightning speed, her hands a blur flashing out making contact with various body parts. As her opponents fell under her blows, a wave of exaltation swept over Xena. Caught up in the heady feeling, Xena let out a undulating war cry. Her voice echoed off the walls, giving it an eerie echo. Krolius, shaking his head to clear it, stumbled towards her drawing his sword. Drawing her own, a smile crept across Xena's face. She motioned him forward, taunting him to come closer. As he did, her sword flashed out knocking his own to the ground. In the moment his eyes left her, Xena kicked him soundly in his stomach, causing him to double over.

Lifting his head with the edge of her sword Xena asked, "Now do we want to play some more? Or do you and your friends want to leave now ?"

The color rose in Krolius' face as he realized he was beaten. "Let's go." He growled between clenched teeth.

Xena replaced her blade and watched as the three left the common room. Sitting back down, she glared into her cup replaying the incident in her mind.

She knew the three wouldn't let the incident end there. Most likely they would wait for her just outside the village. Finishing her drink, Xena paid the innkeep, ignoring the sullen look he gave her, and left the establishment. It was her intention to get a room, but the fight changed her mind. The sooner on the road, the sooner she would get to Pellas.

Just as she suspected Krolius, and several others, met her on the road.

"So, we meet again." Krolius barked "This time you won't be so lucky. Get her!"

Xena drew her sword, deflecting a hasty attack to her left then quickly blocking one on the right. Again that same feeling she had at the inn washed over her. She could her the war cry escape her lips as she slashed first one man than another. Around her the gathered men fell, leaving only Krolius still standing and unharmed.

"Now, " She said, "let's finish this."

The sweet yet sinister smile she gave him made his knees weak, but his pride was still unsatisfied. Giving his own fierce war cry, Krolius charged Xena. Bringing his sword up for an overhand blow, he was unprepared to block any attack Xena may make. Taking advantage of his rage and unbalance, Xena let him rush her then deftly tripped him thus avoiding his clumsy attack. As his body swept past, she slapped him with the flat of her blade. Krolius, his face red from anger, gained his feet and once again rushed her letting his rage take over. Xena once again using his own rage against him, sending him sprawling onto the ground. In a flash the tip of her sword pressed into the hollow of his throat.

"I could kill you now." she said her voice cold, "I don't want to, so why don't you pick up your friends and go home."

The only sound he made was a deep throated growl, yet he made no move to defend himself. Suddenly Xena sensed a presence behind her. Spinning around, Xena was in time to see Talvus fall forward, his eyes rolling into his head. Just beyond him stood someone she knew.

"Pheolia!" she shouted, "What are you doing here?"

"Ah well, I travel this way now and then." Pheolia replied, "I see you've met the local ruffians."

"Yes, and I can't say much for their hospitality."

"Well don't let that bother you. Krolius, " She said looking down at the large man, "Why don't you go off and play like a good boy. Or should I go get the magistrate?"

Glaring at Pheolia, Krolius gathered his friends and slinked off into the trees. As she watched them go, Xena couldn't help but feel some day their paths would cross again.

Once they were gone the two friends embraced, renewing the camaraderie they had at Kai's.

"So, " Pheolia started, "you have finished your training."

"Yes and now I think we should begin our quest to become the most famous of heroines."

Laughing Pheolia replied, "Well Xena, becoming a hero takes more than weapons training. For now why don't we leave this place. I have a friend just down the road who would gladly put us up for the night."

Whistling out to Argo, Xena mounted and together they went off in search of Pheolia's friend. They spent the night in a small hut, much like Kai's. Pheolia told Xena of her current exploits, plans for the near future, and asked her to join.

"Together we can make a difference." Pheolia said, "I told you, we can become the most famous heroes of our times. Someone to rival the heroes of old. What do you say Xena, will you join me ?"

Xena agreed to join Pheolia and in the morning they left for Pellas. Pheolia had worked hard to put down the local warlord which had been terrorizing the small villages surrounding Pellas. She helped by training what men could be spared, fighting when necessary, and organizing a defense for each village. In turn the villagers gave what they could to her, but she only took what tokens she knew they could afford. When she needed money, Pheolia would go to Pellas and compete in the local gladiatorial games. That was where she first took Xena.

"So you actually fought in the games at Pellas?" Gabrielle asked.

"No, not that time anyway. Pheolia did though." Xena replied, "Why don't we stop here for a rest ?"

"Did you ever meet those thugs again?" Gabrielle asked getting the rations out of the saddle bags.

"Now your getting ahead of the story Gabrielle," Xena said, "Don't you ever fill up?"

Gabrielle, mouth full of food, looks up at Xena mumbling, "Sorry...want some?"

Xena looks distastefully at the proffered food, shaking her head. Gabrielle, crewing thoughtfully on her food, looked around at the scenery.

"What a lovely spot." She said gazing through the trees.

"Yes, it is." Xena said flatly, "But it wasn't always."

"Why?" Gabrielle asked.

"Once this place was a charred earth. The local warlords burned everything in their paths."

"Was this close to your first real battle ?"

"As a matter of fact is was one of the first. Come on we've got a ways to go."

They picked up, Gabrielle leading Argo as Xena continued her story....

They rode hard towards Pellas, stopping only to rest their mounts and eat a sparse meal. Xena watched the countryside slide past as they rode, asking why they were in such a hurry.

"We must get to Pellas before the Guard starts their patrol." Pheolia told her, "We want to be joined up for the season. Once they leave on patrol, the only duty we could get will be guarding the city itself. Patrol is where all the action shall be."

Xena wondered a bit at Pheolia's statement. Was her friend blood thirsty ? The statement just didn't seem like her.

"Let me fill you in on what's happening around Pellas..." Pheolia started.

She told Xena how the surrounding villages prospered under Juliphitus, the ruler in Pellas. This only served as a beacon to the warlord Usyrus and his army. Scouting parties had been raiding the outermost villages all winter long. Not having a large standing army, Pellas' king sent out a call for warriors. She told Xena how the scouting parties took what they could, burning what they couldn't use, and killing the inhabitants, after having what fun they could. This was common practice among the lawless men which followed any warlord. Xena saw the fire which burned behind Pheolia's eyes as she spoke, but she didn't know why it was there.

"Well, anyway we'll earn a little coin, reap ourselves some honor on the battle field, and begin our glorious careers."

They rode for twos days, Xena seeing the evidence of Usyrus' troops on the earth as they rode by. When they reached the gates of Pellas, Xena was more than ready to deal out justice with her sword. Pellas was a large town, well fortified, and bustling with people. As they rode through the gates, Xena noticed more than one person staring at them. Although female warriors weren't a common occurrence, Xena felt they weren't the first these people had seen.

"Why don't you go get us a meal at that inn," Pheolia said pointing to a large building, "I'll go see the castle guard and get us a interview with the captain."

Tethering Argo outside the building, Xena entered the inn's common room. Several people stood at the bar, while others occupied tables around the room. Selecting a table with a good view of the entire room, Xena sat down. A small woman shuffled over to her table, her thin face surrounded by long brown hair. "What do you have to eat?" Xena asked.

"Well we got a roast lamb, only a day old, and a haunch of beef from the day before." the serving girl replied.

"The lamb," Xena said, "enough for two. And a jug of Uska."

The small woman nodded then scurried off, leaving Xena to look about the large room. It was dominated by a large fireplace, several of the patrons sat whispering and looking her way. Xena tried not to glare at them, but the unwanted attention seemed to irritate her. One person seemed to draw her attention, a tall dark figure which stood in the shadows. As she watched the stranger walked towards her, stepping into the light.

It was a woman, covered with a dark cloak from head to foot. She stood well over six feet, and wisps of blonde hair crept from beneath her hood. She walked like a warrior and the sword hilt peeking out from her cloak confirmed Xena's suspicions.

"May I join you?" she asked her voice having a melodious quality.

Xena nodded her ascent and motioned to the bench opposite her. "may I know your name ?" Xena asked.

"I am called Lyissa. And you ?"


"Have you come to join the guards ?" Lyissa asked.

"Yes. My companion and I are hoping to join up for the season."

"I too would join. So we are of the same spirit."

Xena, unsure of what to say only nodded. "Where are you from Lyissa ?" she asked.

As Lyissa tossed her hood back, Xena knew she sat face to face with an Amazon. "I come from near Dodona. The warlord Usyrus and his army destroyed my homeland and people while I was away. I have come to take his head and give them peace."

The bloodlust in her eyes flashed as Lyissa spoke, her hate turned to poison. Xena shivered inside at the amount of pure anger that poured out of her. Pheolia soon joined them, sitting next to Xena. After brief introductions, the three women sat and discussed various things.

"I am the last of my tribe." Lyissa told them, "None survived the attack of Usyrus' army, My tribe will die with me. As Queen, all that is left is to set their spirits at ease and avenge their deaths. Then I can join them on the Great hunts with Artemis."

"Well, Lyissa, " Pheolia said, "We shall help you. Usyrus has much to answer for."

Pheolia told them they would have a meeting with the captain at noon by the exercise field. They would all have to go through a trial of arms before they could be signed on. After finishing their meal, the three women spent the time wandering the market place. Xena was amazed how many peddlers packed into the crowded streets. The markets back home, and around Kai's were tiny in comparison.

"An amazon Queen ?" Gabrielle gasped, "So you really are a princess? An Amazon Princess?"

"Yes, but I am the only member of the tribe." Xena replied, "Just as you took the right of caste from Terias, I took Lyissa's."

"So you are truly a warrior princess." Gabrielle said, "But since your the only one, wouldn't that make you the Queen ?"

"Yes, I suppose it does."

"Warrior Queen?" Gabrielle said reflecting, "Warrior Princess has a better sound."

"It doesn't matter." Xena said, "I don't want people to remember me either way."

"Ok, so Lyissa taught you the Amazon ways?"

"Yes, she taught both me and Pheolia..."

The three women went to the exercise grounds for the arms trials. Joined by several others, they were split into groups of three, as fate would have it the three women were grouped together. The trials would be conducted with covered blades, so no one would be seriously hurt, and each group would face an equal number of veteran guards. From the first two groups, only three were signed on. Xena, Pheolia, and Lyissa seemed to immediately meld into a fighting trio, defeated their opponents in short order and were signed on. The new recruits were given a brief orientation and told to report at first dawn.

The three women made their way back to the inn for a drink, stopping to purchase the few last items they would need for the patrol.

"You both fight well." Lyissa said over her mug, "You both trained with the same teacher."

"Yes, we did." Pheolia replied.

"It shows, your styles compliment each other." Lyissa stated, "I don't wish to be the last of my tribe. In you I see hope for its future."

Taken back, Xena and Pheolia could not respond. What was Lyissa thinking? They weren't Amazons, how could there be a future for her tribe in them?

"When I die," Lyissa began, "I have the right to choose one woman to take my place, my right of caste. When my time comes to join Artemis in the great hunt, I want one of you to take that right. This way the traditions of my tribe will go on."

"But we are not Amazons." Xena said, "How can we carry your tribe into the future ?"

"By taking the right of caste, you become an Amazon. Just as if you were born into the tribe." Lyissa told her, "It has rarely been done outside the Amazon clans, but it has been done."

Lyissa looked at each one of them, gazing deep into their eyes, finally saying, "You do not have to accept this right, but I ask that you think well on it."

Xena and Pheolia looked at each other, unsure of what to say or do. This was an important ritual for Lyissa, to deny her didn't seem possible. Without speaking they knew what the other was thinking.

"Very well, Lyissa, " Pheolia said, "We would be honored to accept your rite of caste when the time comes."

For the first time Xena saw a slight smile cross the Amazon's face. They had cast a ray of sunshine in her normally dark world, she had hope for the future now. With this, Xena hoped she wouldn't actively seek death.

"Then as the time presents itself, I will teach you both all I know."

That began the second and most valuable training Xena would receive. After a short session on weapons, they ate together discussing tactics, leadership, and other skills. Any spare time they had that summer was spent this way.

The next morning the guard gathered together as ordered. There were to be two patrol groups, each assigned a portion of the surrounding land; one commanded by Uripitus, the captain, the other by his second, Petridius. Xena, Pheolia, and Lyissa were placed under his command. He spoke briefly to the assembled warriors, his voice easily reaching each person. His friendly manner and confidence said much about his leadership skills.

They rode out of Pellas, ranked by threes, and headed south towards their patrol area. Xena, Pheolia, and Lyissa rode together, Lyissa teaching them the ways of the Amazons as they went.

"Each tribe of amazons have their own customs and traditions. These I have shown you are known to all. Any tribe you meet will recognize these, but the slightest mistake will mean death, so you must know them instinctively.", she told them.

"So," Gabrielle said, "That's how you knew to give the sign for peace."

"Yes, that was one of the first things she taught us.", Xena replied, "That's also how I recognized the warning signs."

"Then she also told you about the royal challenge ?"

"Yes, but since Lyissa's tribe was gone, I didn't want to be recognized as a true Amazon Queen."

"Why not? Think of all you could do." Gabrielle said to Xena.

"Now why would I want that ?", Xena said looking at her young companion, "What would I do with a tribe of Amazons? Remember, I did lead one of the most feared armies in the world..."

"True. Okay, I see what you mean.", Gabrielle sighed, "So you were going to tell me about your first battle?"

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