Part 1
The Fire Within

The camp fire burned low, casting a soft glow across Gabrielle's face. Rising, Xena stirred the embers, lost in thought. Her days seemed to be brighter now with a companion and friend. Looking at Gabrielle's sleeping form, Xena tried to remember what it was like to have a friend, before the rage and bloodlust took over....

The warm summer sun crossed the sky as the villagers went about their tasks. Life seemed peaceful here in Thessaloniki. Xena, a student to Kai, stood out by the gates gazing across the fields. "When will she get back ?" she asked.

Kai, a well muscled man, looked out and replied,
"When all she must do has been done. When that will be is as the Gods will it." "Its been two weeks now, and the trip only takes three days there and back. Do you think she ran into trouble?"

"Xena, I am sure Pheolia can take care of herself. Did I not teach you both ? Are you so unsure of what you have learned that you doubt her abilities as well?"

Turning to look at her teacher Xena sighed, "No. I know she can protect herself, but I am worried."

"It shows your love for Pheolia. This is good, for someone who cannot care for another would surely use their skills for evil. Now come, we have more to do this day."

Following Kai, Xena glanced back only once, deep furrows of worry crossing her brow. The small hut, which had been her home for so long, seemed empty to her. With no one to share the lessons, Xena's training went faster but there was no joy in it for her. Pheolia, Kai's other student, was older than Xena, but this only made Xena more determined to excel in each lesson. They grew close during the months of training, sharing the chores, going together on the short trips to the surrounding villages, tending to the small wounds they received and hopes they had for themselves. But Kai had sent Pheolia alone this time, it was her final test. If she did not return, she was not worthy of what she sought.

The night before she left Pheolia was distant. She went through her tasks saying little, which bewildered Xena, usually Pheolia was very talkitive.

When pressed she only said, "When your turn comes you will understand." They spent the remainder of the day in silence getting everything ready. As Pheolia left, Xena stood quietly by watching her horse disappear over the hill. The days went on as usual, training in weapons, tactics, writing and languages, but a cloud hung over the small hut.

"Xena," Kai said, "do not let Pheolia's absence distract you so. Think on how much more you will be able to show her upon her return."

"You are right Kai," she replied, "but I miss our sparing together and our talks."

"She will return soon. Now focus on your lessons, soon you too will quest for your own weapon."

The words rang in her ears, soon she would go out to find the one weapon meant for her. Each student left Kai with all the knowledge and skill he could teach, but the finial lesson came from the quest. Her brother Lycius studied here and returned home with a sword unlike any had ever seen. Xena, always drawn to weapons and warfare, knew she must also study here.

Just as Kai said, Pheolia returned, haggard but smiling broadly. On her side she carried a new ax. The wood was dark and well grained with a double headed blade which shone brightly. As they prepared for the evening meal, Xena tried to press answers out of her about her quest.

"Xena, you will soon be on your own.", she would reply, "You know your test will be nothing like mine. So why get your mind full of expectations and look for trouble before it begins?" Xena had to content herself with that because Pheolia would say no more, none the less happy to see her friend.

"How soon will she be ready?" Pheolia asked looking at Kai.

"Soon," he said turning to watch Xena stoke the fire," She has excelled at all she does and has surpassed the accomplishments of all my previous students." A smile showing on his lips, "Her's will be the greatest challenge of all."

"Why?" Xena asked returning to the table.

"You have a light about you that shines like the sun." he said staring deep into her blue eyes, "But beware, a great light also casts a deep shadow."

Pheolia left days later, promising to keep in touch, "When you have completed your quest, seek me out." she told Xena the night before she left, "We'll go out and become great heroines." Xena liked the thought, two warriors fighting for good and righting the wrong; heroines like the world had never seen....

The memories seemed to fade from Xena as the years rolled past, for too long she suppressed them, not wanting to remember the past. The past held too much pain for her and now doubly so. Gabrielle, turning in her sleep, reminded Xena so much of Pheolia. How she prayed nothing would harm her and nothing would if Xena could stop it. Settling back, Xena lightly dozed and let the warm night pass...

The next morning, Gabrielle stood practicing with her staff, hitting unseen opponents. Xena watched from the trees as Gabrielle went through various parries and strikes. So much like Pheolia.....

Xena departed Kai's hut to begin her quest three days ago. The instructions given her was to ride north and find the weapon destined to be hers. What this weapon could be, she had no idea, no student knew what they would find.

Kai assured her, "When you see it you will know. You will be drawn to it like a lodestone is to the north. Be well and return if you can." He was right, Xena felt something calling to her from far away, so she continued northward. Finally her journey brought her to the Foothills of the Rhodope mountains, here she would find her weapon. Leaving her horse to forage in the forest, Xena traveled to the mountains base on foot.

"Where is it?" she thought scanning the mountains. Above her she spied what she sought, a small cave entrance about 20 feet above her. Night would soon fall, so she resolved to set up camp and begin at dawn.

As dawn approached, sword within easy reach, and mind keen for any danger, she made the hazardous climb. The tension as she climbed built with each step she took, soon she would begin her life as a true warrior with Pheolia. Pheolia, true to her word, sent messages of her where abouts and adventures she had to Xena during her last months of training.

The cave entrance now loomed before her, muscles tense from the long climb, she drew her sword and entered. Within a dim glow, coming from various fungus growing on the damp stones, gave enough light for her to navigate the cave. The draw upon her soul seemed to strengthen with each close now to the end of her training...only this final test to complete.

Suddenly from nowhere a dark shape filled the cavern. Its immense size blocking the dim light and a low growl coming from a mouth she could not see. Letting her mind release her body, Xena fell into a fighting stance awaiting the creature's first attack. A large paw swung out to crush her skull, but she deftly ducked below while swinging her sword in a arc to catch the arm. Rewarded by a howl of pain, Xena quickly pulled back to give herself room for another attack. Keeping her mind clear, Xena studied the way the creature moved as it lumbered towards her. It shuffled towards her, kicking up a light dust. Xena backed away waiting for an opportunity to strike, the darkness hampering her vision. Relying on her other senses, Xena barely dodged another blow from the beast, losing her footing on the gravel. Rolling away, Xena quickly gained her feet and sent a thrust towards what should have been the creature's heart. Her sword sank deep into the chest, Xena expecting the creature to die, was not prepared for it to press towards her. The sudden shift caused her to lose her sword, but undaunted, Xena leapt up and across the creature's back barely missing the ceiling.

Her way now clear, Xena sprinted through the cavern. Her objective was just ahead, seemingly singing to her "Come, I await you." Rounding a corner, Xena beheld a large cavern. Embedded in the walls were diamonds and other precious stones, reflecting the light of the glowing moss, illuminating the cavern. High above Xena's eye caught the glint of metal, there it was suspended in the air thirty feet above her. A quick surveillance of the room showed there was no easy way to retrieve it.

The sing song voice called out to her, "Come. Free me. We are meant for each other." Xena, desperate to reach her goal quickly thought up a plan.

Glancing up she said, "Soon." Moving back down the corridor, Xena began making as much noise as she could without causing a cave in. She had to entice the creature into the cavern. There she could use its height to reach her goal, but it would be risky, one false move and the creature would have her. The creature enraged now by the wounds it received, moved through the corridor growling deeply in it throat. Following the noise, the creature spotted Xena and rushed forward. Xena ready for the sudden move, turned and waited just inside the cavern entrance. As soon as the creature cleared the entrance, Xena vaulted to its back, flipped over and reached for the weapon hanging there. Time seemed to slow as she stretched to her fullest, eyes firmly on her goal, everything blocked from her mind but it. Xena felt the cold steel in her hand and at the moment it met her skin, she knew exactly what to do. Once Xena's feet touched the ground, she spun and released her hard won weapon. Arcing through the air, Xena's eyes followed its course straight at the creature, striking it at the temple and returning to her. Reaching out, Xena caught it and watched as the creature fell, then dissolved into smoke. She now had the one weapon that she was destined to carry throughout her life time.

"Xena!" Gabrielle called waving to her, "Where are we headed today?"

Xena, moving through the trees, whistled for Argo and said, "There's a small village ahead. We'll stop there for some supplies, then head over to Larissa."

"What's in Larissa?", Gabrielle asked getting the rest of their gear together.

"I want to visit an old friend's grave." Xena said.

Gabrielle noticed the change in tone in Xena's last words. The recent loss of Marcus for the second time still bothered the Warrior Princess. Xena never talked to Gabrielle about Marcus' death beyond that night, but she knew Xena still blamed herself for his first death. "Who was it?" Gabrielle asked in a quiet voice looking for a reaction from Xena.

"A very old friend," Xena replied, her eyes becoming dark, "I think you would have liked her. You remind me alot of her."

"Really? What was her name? How did you know her??" Gabrielle asked in quick succession.

"Yes, her name was Pheolia. We trained and fought together for a while."

"Will you tell me about her as we go?"

"Okay... but let's get going. Its a long way to Larissa."

Xena's face became dark as the memories flooded into her mind and out her mouth...

After the guardian creature disappeared, Xena studied the strange weapon. It looked like a wheel without spokes. The shining metal felt like steel, yet it was lighter; its outer edge was as sharp as her sword edge. She couldn't read the writing on it and hoped Kai could. Never had she seen or heard of such a weapon but holding it in her hands gave her a feeling of completion, as if it were a part of her. The shock of realization hit her like a did she know how to wield this strange device ? Thinking back, the knowledge and skill seemed to have always been there, waiting for her to find them.

Xena's return trip to Thessaloniki went by in a haze. Her mind was on Pheolia and home. Soon she would pay her respects and farewells to Kai and receive his blessings before returning home.

Home, it had been so long since she last looked upon Amphiolis. She wondered if Lycius would be surprised at her skill. Kai greeted Xena as she rode up to the hut, "So you have returned." he said, "and I see you carry your newest weapon with you."

"Yes, " Xena replied," and I also carry many questions."

"Good, when we stop asking questions we loose knowledge. But come, take your rest. Time enough for questions over the evening meal."

With that Kai took the horse's lead and motioned Xena to the hut. After washing, Xena looked around fondly at the small room. Everything was as she left it, as if she had only just awoke from a night's sleep. Kai returned after settling the horse, his face an unreadable mask. As they sat down, Xena asked, "What is this ?"

"It is a chakram. It comes from the people of the west. A deadly weapon for those with skill to use them."

"Why send me for this?" Xena asked her brow furrowed.

Kai sat a moment, gathering what he must say. Running a hand through his ever graying hair he said, " I was told to send you."

"By whom Kai?" impatience showing on Xena's face.

"That I do not know. It has been thus with all of my pupils. As each completes their training I am told where they must go for their final test."

Xena sat and thought about what he said letting the words tumble through her mind but finding no answers. Xena ate as Kai gave her the last lessons she would receive as his pupil. She sat at the small table absorbing his words like a sponge..

"You have a great light Xena, but beware for even the brightest light casts shadows. You have been the most talented of my students," Kai said, "it has been my honor to have the teaching of you. But on the morrow you must leave here and seek out what the gods intended. Never forget your lessons and never stop asking questions."

Kai stood as she finished her meal, laying a hand upon her brow he whispered "Has say, nala tu. Sleep well bright one." As he left, Xena pondered her future. She would return to Amphipolis, visit Lycius and her mother then strike out to find Pheolia.

Early the next morning, Kai met Xena in front of the stables, a strange horse saddled and ready for departure.

"What's this?" Xena asked looking over the animal with a keen eye.

"This is my final gift to you. A warrior needs a faithful horse. You will find none better than this one. She comes from a long line of war horses, bred and trained to be as one with her rider."

The horse was magnificent, standing 16 hands high at the shoulder, she was well paportioned and muscled. The pale coat of the tall palomino was soft and silky under her hand. "What is her name ?" she asked

"Argo. Come, I will teach you the basic calls she answers. Others can be readily taught but the two of you will work that out. I also have a message from Pheolia for you."

"Argo." Xena whispered stroking the large neck "Be right back, then we can get aquatinted."

"So your teacher gave Argo to you ?" Gabrielle asked, "Did he also teach her to hate bards ?"

"Come on Gabrielle, Argo doesn't hate you." Xena replied stroking Argo's neck, "besides I thought the two of you had a truce now."

"Well, we do, but still.." she let her words trail off as she looked warily at Argo. Argo cast an eye back, snorting.

"So Kai couldn't tell you more about your chakram?"

"No not really. I knew about the people he said it came from."

"Have you ever thought of traveling there to find out more ?" Gabrielle asked.

"Now you're getting ahead of the story." Xena replied.

"Okay, go on. I'm listening."

"That's a first." Xena said under her breath.

The trip home was uneventful and Xena watched as the hills rolled by her, her excitement at seeing Lycius again growing with each day. When she finally over looked Amphipolis, she stared down at the group of buildings remembering her younger days...

Her first memories were of Lycius. They were close in age and became natural playmates. Together they explored the area around Amphipolis, climbing the trees and rocks, looking for the nests of small animals, and finding the best hiding places. When he started learning the basic drills of warfare, they would go to their most secret place where he would show her what he had learned. So she learned the basics from her brother, much to her mother's dismay. Xena had always been an enigma to her mother. When she tried to teach her the skills every woman learned, Xena would balk at the task. When Lycius left for formal training, Xena cried. She resented her mother for letting him go and refused to learn anything her mother tried to teach her. Finally, resentment gave into boredom. Xena began to fill her days doing those things her mother felt was appropriate. As the weeks passed, Xena went through them in a fog. Her cooking was passable, her cleaning sparse, but she reveled in embroidery. The concentration it required kept her mind occupied, so she wouldn't miss Lycius, and the emerging patterns delighted her eyes.

Lycius returned, a warrior now, but content to be home. Xena questioned him about his training until he relented into teaching her. As she learned each lesson Lycius gave her, she knew she had to go to Thessaloniki to learn more. Lycius talked to their mother and after many nights of arguments, she let Xena go...

It seemed so long ago now, that day she left to learn the skills of sword and shield. Now she returned home, a fully trained warrior. Clicking her tongue at Argo, they turned up the road and headed into town. As she passed her old haunts, Xena felt at peace, one of the few times she ever would. Her reunion with Lycius was joyful, he greeted her with a shout. Jumping from Argo's back, Xena was caught up in a bear hug. Lycius said, "So you have completed your training. By the gods its good to have you home."

"I've missed you!" Xena told him returning his rough embrace. Over his broad shoulders, Xena saw her mother emerge from the Inn. Releasing Lycius, she walked over to stand before her.

"It is good to have you home." her mother said giving her a quick embrace, "Will you now be staying on?"

"Its good to be back." Xena replied, "Only for a couple of days. I'm riding out to meet a friend."

"Well its good to have you here," Lycius said moving to put an arm around her, "even if its only for a while."

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