Cassandera Background

Cassandera Monchrief was born in Central England, into an upper-middle class family. Her mother was originally a nurse with the Royal Armed Forces, and her father a Colonel in the British Army. Cassandera, growing up in this atmosphere, became used to the torments of military life. Being an only child, and upon her twenty-first birthday, she enlisted in the Royal Air Force, as an officer. Having the support of both her father and mother, plus several distinguished persons of the upper political hierarchy, Cassandera managed to become the first woman to be accepted in the R.A.F. as a pilot.

Having already earned her status as a registered nurse, and finishing two years of medical school in between the ages of seventeen and twenty-one, Cassandera soon began to grow into a specialized field of multi-talented and elite command personnel. After having spent a total of four years as a pilot, and an additional two years in various areas of intelligence and command training, she was selected to lead a new International Emergency Response Team that the English would enter into a United Nations competition with other teams of the same nature from countries around the world. This included the Command Seven Emergency Services who, represented by their primary response team, called the "WILDFIRE TEAM", managed to make it the final round of competitions. The English, also securing a spot in the finals, went head to head with Command Seven. It was at this time that Cassandera met David White, a reluctant Lieutenant at the time. They got along about as well as water and oil. In short, they didn't.

Cassandera went out of her way to make life as miserable for the team, as she possibly could. Both White and Cassandera made several mistakes during the finals, which consisted of specially created exercises at various locations around the world, but none so devastating as when the English were ambushed by a team headed by a man called Saida. In the exercise, the Command Seven team was brought along as observers, and so, foreseeing their desire to step in and participate, or rather, according to Cassandera, get in her way, she confiscated their regular issued weapons. Her own team was armed with the standard issue laser rifles used in all of the exercises, and completely harmless to any person or property. Saida's guns were loaded with live ammunition. When Saida attacked, Cassandera lost 90% of her own team, and White lost the last of his close remaining friends.

Fortunately, there were certain people who carried personal arms. this allowed Cassandera, White, and the remainder of their Teams to escape. After quick deliberation, the remnants of the English Team were adopted by the Command Seven Team. The combination went on to avenge their losses, but Saida managed to escape his fate. During this time the romance between White and Cassandera began to bloom.

Cassandera's parents, however, had an entirely different view of the matter, and were very quick to dismiss the romance and the existence of White and his promotion to Major in the Royal Air Force. It was then that White resigned his position, only to be reactivated in the event of a full scale emergency. That emergency took place two years later, when a crack squad of renegade American commando's began to systematically assassinate every key members of the Command Seven Emergency Services. Cassandera, by this time, was a Commander and second in command on board one of seven major bases around the world. Stationed on the UNICORN, she was forced to take command when her Captain was assassinated.

By the time White arrives back on the scene, there are only three key officers remaining. Of these three, there is General Arthur Montgommery, the founder and chief executive officer of the Command Seven organization. Montgommery, realizing that a transfer of command may be required, threw the entire organization into White's lap, much to White's dislike. Montgommery is killed, and the new order of command is established to meet the enemy head on. They are once again successful in saving the Team, but White is now in charge. One year later we arrive at our present script.

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