
Marc Colhoun, Writer / Director

Work Experience SoundCastle Productions Vancouver, BC
Director/Producer/Actor/Director of Photography, June 1997
SoundCastle Productions is the recording studio where the band Hokus Pick recorded their latest album. While freelancing at SoundCastle, my responsibilities have included:
  • Directing and Producing music video for "I'm So Happy"
  • Securing all camera equipment for video shoot.
  • Shooting music video on 16mm Film.
  • Creating concepts for future video recordings.
Hokus Pick Vancouver, BC
Actor, June 1992 - September 1994
  • Projects include acting in several music videos that have appeared all over North America.
  • Assisted the chief audio engineer during recording and mixing sessions.
  • Performed foley sound effects/searching for sound effects on CD.
  • Worked as a grip on "Sofa Logical" music video.
Vision Records Nashville, TN
Director/Producer, February 1993 - April 1993
  • Produced and Directed "live" concert film for Vision Records recording artists' Hokus Pick.
  • Interviewed and hired film crew.
  • Finished project under budget.
Skills .
  • I'm a Freelance Air Courier.
  • Directed and Wrote documentary on Teens and Suicide ("Somebody To Talk To")
  • Produced and was Director of Photography for short film ("Self Portrait")
  • Cast and was Assistant Camera Operator for short film ("A Reflection of Murder")
  • Written several Feature length Screenplays
  • Wrote and was 1'st Unit A.D. and Second Unit Director for a TV Pilot ("Cars")
  • Administrator for Pacific Liaicon working on the New International Terminal/ Parallel Runway Project at Vancouver International Airport
  • Strong and adept at physically demanding jobs - Cabin Services at Canadian Airlines Int. Ltd.
  • Hold dual citizenship for Canada and the United States of America
  • Computer experience includes HTML, IBM and Macintosh software such as Word Perfect, Windows, Claris Works, Microsoft Excel, and the Internet


Education Vancouver Film SchoolVancouver, BC
Certificate of Completion in Basic Filmmaking December 1994
  • Designed to introduce students to hands-on filmmaking as quickly as possible with the emphasis on creating a well-rounded filmmaker through the production of high quality student films.
  • Course work included producing, directing, writing, 1'st AD, continuity, camera operation, audio, casting, documentaries, short films, editing, art direction, lighting, and all other positions within the film industry.
  • Member: Writer's Guild of America (WGA).
  • Certified: Airport Airside Vehicle Operator's Permit (AVOP), Mastery Seminar.
  • Finalist: Vancouver Sun/ Tourism Province wide Essay Contest.
  • Awards: Most Improved Baseball Player (1978), Athletic Award (1981, 1982) for excellence in high school sports, Service Award (1982, 1983, 1985) for continued school support, Member of Championship Soccer Team in the International Friendship Cup of Colorado (1983), Outstanding Service Award (1984) for Excellence in School support, Scholarship (1984) from Argyle Secondary School to attend Carousel Summer Theatre School, Scholarship (1985) from Argyle Secondary School for Acting, Argyle's Citizenship Award (1985) for Excellence in School and Theatre.
  • Hobbies: Writing, producing, and directing short films, surfing the Net including Web pages, and traveling.
  • Sports: Soccer (22 yrs. exp.), roller blade, hockey, golf, tennis, volleyball, football.

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