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This VCD is released in 1996.It contains songs from the 1st album "Flatter" to the 3rd album "If the clouds knows?"

Mtvs I like best : If the clouds knows, Alone Show

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This VCD is released in early 1998.It contains songs mainly from Sunlight Airport.Some of the MTVs were filmed in Japan. This MTV also contains 2 songs by Valen & Panda - Love Movie and Your Eyes.

Mtvs I like best: Love Movie,Let you go,Give me a minute not to miss you

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This is the latest VCD of Valen Hsu-Still loving You.This VCD contains 6 mtvs from Still loving You album and 6 other old albums.

Mtvs I like best: Still loving You,Cry without tears,Beer?Coffee?

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