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Valen has released a total of 6 albums and 2 'jing xuan' (taiwan & hongkong version each).

Tao Hao

Released in : 1995

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This is Valen Hsu's first album.

Tear Sea

Released in: Early 1996

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Valen's 2nd album.Her debut song "Tear Sea" had been used for a television drama in Singapore in 1996

If the clouds knows?

Released in: Sep 1996

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The 3rd album of Valen's.This album is great!Her debut song-"If the clouds knows?" is too great!It gives you a very light feeling.This album is very sucessful.Also Valen's faveourite.

Sunlight airport

Released in:1997

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There are 2 album covers for this album.Another sucessful album of Valen's.The album "Sunlight Airport" sold over 10,000 copies.

Still loving you

Released in: June 1998

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This album is the 5th album of Valen's.This album"Still loving You" sold over 100,000 copies in 10 days.There are 3 versions of the album.The 3rd version is rather special.There are only 5,000 copies in the world.You are very lucky if you can get it!

The Best love

Release in: Dec 1998

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The latest album of Valen. There are 3 versions of this CD, Jing Ling, Tian Shee and Fan Ren ban. The above cover is the Jing Ling Ban.This album comes with a sticker of different types depending which you version you buy, a VCD that contains 3 mtvs,that is Don't Say Goodbye , Dreams come true and The best love.You can see the mtv shoots at the MTV SHOOTS sections.Also find out more in the NEWS SECTION about this album.


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