Angels from Near and Far
A Resource for Adopting Children

Adoptive Family Websites

Here are links to many family websites, telling their own stories of adoption. Most are Asian adoption stories, from Korea, China, and Southeast Asia.  I would love to add links from all over the world, including domestic adoptive families.

If your link is not on this page, and you would like it to be, please email and I will include it. Please feel free to put my site link onto your page, too. The site name is, "Angels from Near and Far" and the url is

Roger Barney, China
The Beland Family, China
Sal and Maribeth Blair, Russia
Tom and Michelle Bonds, Guatemala
Eli Bosworth, China
Todd and Amy Bourland, China
Kim Breuer, Korea & China
Jane and Olin Bryum, China
Kim & Steve Burghart, China & USA
The Burkemeister Family, Korea, China, Romania

The Champnella Family, China
The Coleman Family, China
Janis Cunningham, China
Kathie Gibson, Cambodia & China
Libby's Babies, Cambodia
Lori & Bob Harris, China
The Kenney Family, China
Wendy Barron, Vietnam
The Bartlett-Sloan Family, China
Linda & John, Guatemala
Debbie Bodie, China
The Crowe Family, Russia
The Douglas Family, China
The Eagan Family, China
The Elko Family, China
Donna and Charles Ewy,Russia
Falvey Family's "Journey to the East"
Karin Gillette, China
Tom and Mary Lu Haas, Mexico
Harris Family, China
Jeff & Marty Heyen, Cambodia
Patricia Horstman, Guatemala
The Husemoller Family, China & Korea
Larry & Linda, China
Kris Laughlin, China
The Kaplan Family, Vietnam

The Kirkham Family, Russia
Kristi Knox, China

The LaJoy Family, Kazakhstan

The Lindsey Family, Russia
Mary, Korea
Lisa McClure, China
Janet McEntire, China
Bill & Theresa McLean, China
The McNamara Family, China
Cyndi and Roger Meyer, China
The Moran-Oliverio Family, China
The Neuweiler Family, China & Russia
Dave and Judy Nies, China
The Paolini Family, China
Meg Poole, Guatemala
Kathy and Rory Porth, Russia
Sharon Reynolds, China
Krisanne Roll, Guatemala
The Sheehusens, China
The Smith Family, Cambodia
Bob & Pat Steele, China & Thailand
The Stringer Family, China
The Sweeney Family, China
The Triumph of Hope, China
Lisa Troisen, China
The Valdez Family, Russia
Brent & Kami Wilson, Korea, Vietnam, China
Weir & Penning, China
The Shoup Family, China
Nadine and Ted Taylor, Russia
Our Siberian Adventure-- Benjamin Treu
Vietnam Adoption Stories
Lynette and Michael Walz, Russia
The White Family, Russia
The Wilson Family, China
Debbie and Steve Wright, China
Karen Wright, China
The Yost Family, Russia
The Zwilling Family

Adoption Stories

Chompu Arrives from Thailand

Indrasari's Adoption Story
Julie's Boys
Jaclyn's Story
 A Letter to Lou Jiao
Links to Many Adoption Stories

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break."
Ancient Chinese Belief

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© 2001 Jery Good