Angels from Near and Far
A Resource for Adopting Children

Families to Support

God is calling these families to adopt children.  If you feel led, please support them prayerfully and financially, easing the burden of the expenses associated with adopting children.  God has promised each of these families that He will provide this support for them.  We have seen God work miraculously in providing funds, as well as overcoming huge obstacles, to bring children into homes.  Thank you for whatever you can do to help.

You can support families after they adopt, too.  Do whatever you would do for them, if they had given birth.  Bring dinners, help with laundry and yard work, run their other kids to and from school for awhile.  Throw a shower and give them gifts.  Most of all, celebrate with them as they enlarge their family in this wonderful way.  Do not be embarrassed, or think this is a second best choice, because it's not!  It's God's way of filling the empty arms of hopeful parents with children who need arms around them. 

These are families who either can use your help to finance their adoptions, or who now have their children home :


Carlee Madhura

Elliana Smith

(Eastern Europe)

Jin Won Suh


Ranay's Family

Victoria Michael

Coming HOME this fall!

Anna Claire

Libby's Babies

Anna Steele

Adoption as a Mission


"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break."
Ancient Chinese Belief

"Broken" a wonderful song for adoption!

  (Choices)  (Chinese Adoption)  (Resources)  (Links)  (Eternal Hope)
  (Families to Support) (Adoptive Families)  (Adoption Stories)

Web Design © 2001 Jery Good