Kuwait Mar Thoma Sunday School
Kuwait Parish, P.O. Box: 20130, Safat, Kuwait

"Train up a child in the way he should go: 
and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22: 6

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( Since Jan 15, 2000.)

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Our Sunday school is blessed with the loving patronage of Rev. Abraham P. Oommen, the Vicar and President of the Sunday school, Rev. K. Ninan George Achen, Vicar of the Ahamedi Parish. They have rendered all their possible support, guidance and effective leadership in almost all the activities of the Sunday school this year. They are conscious about the significance of the ministry among children and guided the Sunday school in the right direction all through the year. Without their active interest and leadership in these programmes, we could not have organized them so effectively.

The Mar Thoma parish provided a grant of KD: 1,100 to the Sunday school in 1998-99 which is roughly about KD: 1.000 per student. We appreciate the importance given to the Sunday school by the parish members and the members of the Kaisthanasamithi and hereby acknowledge this financial support.

we also acknowledge the efforts of all parents, and parish members, who took the burden of bringing more than 800 books from CSS Tiruvalla, Kerala for distribution as prizes.

Parents play an important role and always will be a source of inspiration to us. Their interest and support in sending their children to the Sunday school and its various activities is highly appreciated.