Kuwait Mar Thoma Sunday School
Kuwait Parish, P.O. Box: 20130, Safat, Kuwait

"Train up a child in the way he should go: 
and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22: 6

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( Since Jan 15, 2000.)

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  • The Sunday school classes were conducted regularly on every Friday from 3.45pm to 5.15pm in three groups at the National Evangelical church hall, Parish hall and Diwania, attended by more than 1,100 students under the efficient guidance of 72 dedicated teachers.
  • A typical session of the Sunday school consists of 45 Minutes of general devotion, which includes a worship service, lesson reading, singing session, birthday offertory service, and prayer followed by another 45 minutes of specific bible study in small groups led by a class teacher.
  • The classes were held in 65 locations in and around the church with an average 15 to 20 students attending in each class.
  • Twenty classes were held during the academic year completing 15 lessons from the newly designed text book prescribed by the Mar Thoma Sunday School Samajam . The lessons were based on the new syllabus introduced in the current year with specific importance given to bible lessons, church history and general spiritual issues related to a child's growth and development.
  • Annual examinations were conducted at the end of the year based on the 15 lessons taught in these classes.
  • Annual competitions on Essay writing, Memory Verse, Music, Bible reading, Story telling, and Elocution were usually conducted during the months of September , December and January.
  • Students were given prizes for their excellence in the annual exam, competitions and for the regular attendance in the Sunday school.