Graphics by Lee

Welcome to Graphics By Lee. I know there are heaps of graphic sites out there with lots of wonderful graphics but I couldn't always find what I was looking for. So, I figured the only thing left to do was to make it myself. Once I started it was hard to stop. I found I rather enjoyed it but I didn't need all that I was making. Hence, Graphics By Lee.
All my graphics are free for you to download but I would appreciate it if you could provide a link back to Graphics by Lee somewhere on your page. There's a button here for you to download so that it's easy to get back here.

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If you wouldn't mind sending me an email I'd love to come and have a look at your site too

I have tried to give credit where credit is due but if you see something of yours here that I haven't noted please let me know and I will be happy to correct the oversight. One problem I have is that when I started "surfing" I wasn't aware of how much work goes into all this and so was happily copying images and not noting where they came from. I have since stopped doing this but that means that some images here may not give credit to the author, if this is so please accept my apolgies.

I only have a couple of sets up right now but I hope to have more up within the next couple of weeks so please check back soon.

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Childrens Sets

Sesame Street

Pink Lambs

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Winnie The Pooh


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