Alexandra's Album

Thanks for coming to look at some photos of Alexandra.  I've had to break this into different pages as I can never decide which pictures to show and which not to.  I guess this is a dilemma faced by most proud mothers. I hope you enjoy the pages as much as I do.

Alexandra and The Gang

I'm a big fan of Winnie The Pooh and therefore, by default, so is Alexandra.  Most of the pages have a Pooh Bear theme, some of these I have created myself but on others I have used graphics collected over the web.  I have tried to give credit where it is due but if you see something of yours without credit please let me know.  The Pooh Bear graphics that I have created are available for use on my graphics page.

Early Photos of Alexandra
Gramma and Alexandra
Food Glorious Food
Water Baby
Mummy and Alexandra
Granddad and Alexandra
11 Months
1st Birthday
Fiji & Sydney '98 (my first holiday)
2nd Birthday


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