![]() ![]() A letter to Our Kieth...
It seems like only yesterday you were placed in my arms. Your huge blue eyes were wide open and you were ready to make your voice heard. You were always quick to smile and your happiness was evident for everyone to see. It seems like only yesterday you wre off to school, with book bag on your back and jabbering away to Tim as we walked to the bus stop. A friendship was developed between you two that would last throughout your life. It seems like only yesterday - grade school gone- Jr. High is here. You're in the band, going on overnight field trips in science class, you were hesitant to go at first, but because Tim was so enthusiastic, you felt comfortable going. This was your first time being away from dad or me - but you both came home jubilant after having a good time. (except for losing your dads very expensive sleeping bag!) It seems like only yesterday that you entered Sr. High - many changes for you. You lost your "baby fat". You and Tim were a bit nervous at first, but you guys rallied together and things turned out ok. Your ideal past time was going hunting or fishing with your dad. It seems like only yesterday that you were a Senior. You and Tim got your drivers liscence, and Tim had a vehicle first, so the two of you would jump in his truck and away you'd go. Tim was working at Golden Swirl (ice cream) and you were at Burger King. This was also the last year you would participate in the state championship for bowling. My little boy was becoming a young man. It seems like only yesterday that you had your first date - with Rody - It was your Sr. prom, and you were upset Tim didn't have a date and wouldn't come with you guys. It seems like only yesterday -graduation-, the big day was here. Your VW was fixed, (your graduation present) you, Tim bounded out the door, cap and gown in hand, yelling "love you mom, see you at the school", jumped into your car, and off you went. It seems like only yesterday that you became sick. the Drs. came out and said "we have some alarming news about your son". You were semi conscious, Tim was allowed in ICU, he sat next to your bed talking to you, calming your fears. You two were more brothers than friends. It seems like only yesterday that we watched you go through tremendous struggles to overcome this horrendous disease, battling it with all the strength you had and still losing ground. It seems like only yesterday that the Drs. said thee words that are every parents nightmare. "We're sorry, there's nothing more we can do", and the decision had to be made to let you go. It seems like only yesterday that I held you for the first time, and I held you for the last time. That first time was an overwhelming joy, the last time was an overwhelming pain. We were with you, your dad and I, just as we were when you made your arrival quietly into our lives, we watched you slip quietly out of it... ...Would we have missed any part of it? ... NEVER!!! I'm thankful that I had you for the time I did and I wouldn't have missed any of it for the world.. Hence the music that is being played here !!! I think "The Dance" by Garth Brooks says it all. |
Looking back on the memory of
And now I'm glad I didn't know
Holding you I held everything
And now I'm glad I didn't know
Yes my life is better left to chance |
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