National Childrens
Lights of Love...Can you see our candles burning in the night?Lights of love we send you, rays of purest white Children we remember, though missing from our sight In honor and remembrance we light candles in the night
All across the big blue marble spinning out in space
Tonight the globe is lit by love of those who know great sorrow,
Written by TCF Member Jacqueline Brown |
He Only Took My Hand...Last night while I was trying to sleep, my son's voice I did hear.I opened my eyes and looked around but he did not appear. He said, "Mama you've got to listen, you've got to understand, God didn't take me from you, Mama, he only took my hand.
When I called out in pain that night, the instant that I died,
My search is really over now, I've found happiness within.
And so, you must go on now, Live one day at a time. |
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