
Christmas in Heaven...

I'm wondering what Christmas in Heaven is like
as I grieve alone and pray
longing for one who has gone before
to spend Christmas in Heaven today

And so in my dreams, I wonder far
from the scenes and the sounds of earth
Till I catch the strains of the heavenly choir
as they sing of the Christ Child's birth

The angels and saints I vision there
as they join in the festival gay
and there mid the throng is my dearest loved one
spending Christmas in Heaven today

There's a joy in the faith that teaches
when our life's work here is done
of a place in heaven awaiting
and the crown we worked for is won

In our grief may we learn well the lesson
so to work and suffer and pray
as to merit the joys of our loved ones
and to spend Christmas together someday...

~~author unknown~~


Keith, Our Precious Angel...

We're thinking of you during the holidays...

and ALWAYS!!!

Candle for Keith ANGEL WAITING

On a hill in the distance
a young boy quietly waits.
Patiently he watches
for his family at the gate.

His blue eyes shine so brightly
as hope swells within,
for soon he'll see his loved ones
and never part again.

How joyous will be the meeting
as mother holds her child,
and father kisses softly
the angel -- his long lost child.

Once more they'll hold each other,
and tears will be no more.
Forever they'll be together
as they pass through heaven's door.

by Cynthis Clifton in memory of her son Kevin.


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