Surname: HIGGINS

Carrie Higgins

Carrie Betsy Higgins Christian

  • Birthplace: probably Bandy, Virginia
  • Date of birth: September 1893
  • Parents: Pink/Pinkney/Pinkham Hugins/Higgins and Mary Frances Whitt
  • Siblings: Greever, Bill, Dale, Jim, George, Rosie, Rebecca, Minnie, Mattie, Pearl
  • Married: James A. Christian (see their marriage license dated 1910)
  • Date of Marriage: February 1910
  • Children: Florence, Virginia, Bertha, Alonzo, Walter, Robert, Vivien, Betty and Paul
  • Year of death: December 31 (Abt. 1980)
  • Place of death: Roanoke, Virginia

Carrie and James (and children) migrated from Bandy, VA to War, WV. (Possibly sometime during the 1930's?)
Carrie migrated from War, WV to Roanoke, VA. (Sometime during the 1960's).
Carried developed Alzheimers.
According to notes taken from mom's Bible:
  • There is a mention of 'Uncle William Whitt'. Details unknown at this time.
  • There is some indication that the Whitts migrated out of North Carolina at some time?
  • There is a mention of some connection to the Altizer family? Details unknown.
According to Diane E. Day, Carrie's father, Pink, and his mother, father, and half-sister migrated to Bandy from North Carolina following the Civil War. See the family folklore/shortstory How Pink Higgins Came To West Virginia for more information.
According to census records and later hard-copy documentation (such as marriage certificates), the spelling of the last name has changed. So far, documentation has been shown to have the last name spelled 3 ways: Hugins, Higgins, and Higgens.

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