What follows is an email that describes the different charities that will be voted on for the next year. All members should read this carefully to assist in their decision.
NAME: American Lung Association Florida website
CAUSE: Lung disease, including asthma, smoking prevention, clean air, education and prevention of lung disease. Lung disease is the third leading cause of death in America. Breathing problems are the number one killer of babies less than a year old. Asthma is one of the most frequent reasons for hospitalization of children due to chronic disease.
WHO IS SERVED: Children and adults, 11 locations in Florida
SERVICES PROVIDED: Patient service fund, quit smoking classes, patient and professional education, asthma education, school smoking prevention, children's asthma camp with medical services, smoke free workplaces, flu prevention, and clean air advocacy. Also provides funding for research and training.
CAUSE: Bereavement support group by and for parents who have experienced the loss of one or both twins, one or more of their triplets or higher order multiple birth children, during pregnancy, at or after birth, in infancy or in childhood, and also adult survivors of these losses.
WHO IS SERVED: Parents, twin clubs, doctors and grief counselors.
SERVICES PROVIDED Newsletter to parents contains stories, poems and other items from bereaved multiple parents, as well as relevant articles from professionals and others. A listing of every article in print which has been sent to the organization on the medical and emotional aspects of multiple loss. A contact list of parents, some of whom have gone through loss of one or more multiples and then have gone through a subsequent multiple pregnancy. Speakers for conventions and other functions. Club materials on bereavement support.
CAUSE: (I focused on children's services for this) To provide a variety of services to enhance the development of children by providing them with a range of educational and health opportunities designed to help them reach their full potential.
WHO IS SERVED: Children from birth to age 18.
SERVICES PROVIDED: Early intervention for infants and toddlers with disabilities with a range of services to optimize their development and highest level of achievement. Services include occupational and physical therapy, speech-language pathology, special instruction, family counseling, social work, health, vision and assistive technology services and a number of other interventions. Also available at some locations are child care and preschool. Easter Seals preschool serves children with disabilities, developmental delays and those who are at risk for of delay between the ages of three and five, with programs designed to provide a smooth transition to kindergarten.
CAUSE: An organization that provides a resort to create magical memories for terminally ill children and their families in central Florida. Children are from all 50 states and more than 45 countries
WHO IS SERVED: Over 4000 children a year.
SERVICES PROVIDED: A week long dream vacation to central Florida, including accommodations, local transportation, attraction tickets and meals at no cost to the family. Most services are provided by corporate fund-raisers, founding sponsors are Holiday Inn, Budget Car, Eastman Kodak, Walt Disney World, the list is extensive. When a child is diagnosed with a a life threatening condition, doctors and hospitals put the child's parents in touch with a wish granting organization. If the child expresses the wish to visit central Florida attractions, the wish grantor contacts Give Kids the World, and the referring organization provides round trip transportation to Orlando.
CAUSE: Twin to twin transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) is a disease of the placenta. It affects identical twins during pregnancy when blood passes disproportionately from one baby to the other through share blood vessels within their shared placenta. One baby gets too much blood overloading the cardiovascular system, the other baby does not get enough blood and my die from severe anemia.
WHO IS SERVED: Over 4000 families, including 300 pregnancies in 1998 have been assisted by the TTTS Foundation.
SERVICES PROVIDED : Educational, financial and emotional support for
and caregivers before, during, and after pregnancies diagnosed with twin to
twin transfusion syndrome. Dedicated to saving the babies, improving their
future health and care and keeping families together. The Foundation has
worked closely with doctors doing laser surgery, including one in Tampa,
Florida.. Dr. Ruben Quintero, is only one of two doctors doing the laser
surgery. The other doctor is currently on sabbatical. Mary Slaman-Forsythe,
the founder of the organization has suggested we could earmark our donations
to help families come to Florida for laser treatment. No foundation money
is spent on salaries as there no salaried employees.
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