The Center For Study of Multiple Birth has conducted extensive research about gestation and birth of multiples. Topics include Multiple Pregrancy: Epidemiology, Gestation & Perinatal Outcome, The Northwestern University Multihospital Twin Study, The Twinsburg Archives, Gynecology and Obstretrics, Multiple Pregnancy: New Insights, Preterm Birth: Etiology, Mechanisms and Prevention, International Seminars
International Society for Twin Studies
The International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS) is an international, nonpolitical, nonprofit, multidisciplinary scientific organization. Its purpose is to further research and public education in all fields related to twins and twin studies, for the mutual benefit of twins and their families and of scientific research in general. The Society was founded in Rome in 1974. For membership information, contact Adam Matheny, Louisville Twin Study, School of Medicine, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292 USA, (502) 852-1093,
King's College London
The United Medical and Dental School of St. Thomas' Hospital, part of King's College London, has been conducting research on twins over the age of 18 since 1992. Research is currently being conducted on osteoporosis and disease epidemiology.
The Center for Study of Multiple Birth
CSMB, Suite 464, 333 E. Superior St., Chicago, IL 60611, or call (312) 266-9093
University of Connecticut
The department of psychology and the biobehavorial sciences division of the psychology department have been involved in twin-related research since the late 1980s. The primary focus of their work is to study attachment and relationships. They are presently conducting a study on the development of mother/child relationships. Mothers of twins, age birth to 20 months and 14 to 18 years, and their multiples are invited to participate in a research project on the emotional communication between mothers and their twin children.
University of Louisville
The Louisville Twin Study began in 1957 and is a longitudinal study of the growth and development of multiple births from infancy to adulthood.
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
The Minnesota Twin Family Study seeks to identify the genetic and environmental influences on the development of psychological traits.
University of Southern California
The Southern California Twin Project at USC was established to research the roles of heredity (genes) and environment (culture) in producing individual differences in human behavior. Topics of investigation include personality, cognitive abilities, mate selection, antisocial behavior and delinquency.
University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Temperament and Twin Center at UWI was established to study the emotional development of twins.
Virginia Commonwealth University/Medical College of Virginia
Contains the Mid Atlantic Twin Registry with over 12000 sets of twins. This site provides twin research results for current VCU studies.
Two really great parenting sites are Welcome to Parent Soup! and The CyberMom Dot Com.
An online magazine for women who share the bond of motherhood. This magazine features support, information, and resources for mothers. It includes articles on relationships and parenting, and a regular column written by Kim Lane, the mother of newborn twins.
The Mommies
This humorous site is from comedians Caryl Kristensen and Marilyn Kentz. It features cartoons, an advice column, and a poetry corner for women who want a light-hearted look at motherhood.
Facts About Multiples
As she was searching the web, Jen Samson (a twin herself) noticed that a lot of people are misinformed about multiples. She decided to put together some facts on who the multiples are that have made history in the world.
The Mining Company
Truly a resource for "mining" links to information on most any topic! This site was designed by a father of multiples, Todd Barrack.
The Twins Foundation
A membership organization that serves twins, their families, the media, medical and social scientists and the general public through its publications, its National Twin Registry and its multi-media resource center. The Twins Foundation, PO Box 6043, Providence, RI 02940-6043; Voice: 401-729-1000; Fax (business hours only) 401-751-4642.,
Twins World
Resources for twins and multiples--especially lots of photos. Here, you will also find information about Twins Restaurant which is owned by Lisa and Debra with actor, Tom Berenger. Twins Restaurant is an eclectic downtown restaurant on the upper east side of Manhattan. The restaurant is staffed by 37 sets of identical twins who work the same shift, in the same station, in the same uniform. They get 10-20 sets of twin customers each evening for dinner (ranging from newborns to 95 years old.) All the twins and multiples who come in sign a guestbook, get their pictures taken, and get two-for-one drinks. Triplets get three-for-one drinks, quads get four-for-one, etc. Twins World, (800) 788-9467 or (212) 289-1777,
A Website About Identical Twins. Formerly known as The TWINSource. Gilia Angell is a twin. She provides a library of twin information at her site.
This site is loaded with twin news, events, facts, chats around the web and movie and TV twin appearances.
Webster's Twin Things
Kathi Webster is a twin who maintains an interesting index of twin-related websites, from organizations and registries, to twins in arts and literature.
Baby Center
This site provides articles about parenting and pregnancy. To find articles about multiples, go to "topics" and select "twins & multiples."
This site offers information and resources for parents of children age birth to 24 months.
Parent Soup
Parents of twins interested in breastfeeding and school separation issues can access articles by going to "Find It" and typing in "twins." Parenting chats, expert columns, and an at-home dad message board are available.
This site has general pregnancy and parenting articles. It also has twin-specific information about speech problems and potty training. To find them, go to the features column and click on "search for articles." Type in "twins" next to the search button.
Parents Place
In addition to general parenting information, there are a variety of chat sessions on this site available around the clock and a bulletin board devoted solely to twin issues.
TWINNET: Multiple Birth Support Information
TWINNET has been established in an effort to help guide parents of multiples to find pertinent information, helpful hints, and products to fit our special needs. Has twin tips page and helpful hints.
National Center for Fathering
This organization provides guidance, research, and resources for men who want to become better fathers. This site provides practical tips, humor and books available on fathering.
National Online Fathers of Twins Club
This site is quickly taking off! It offers chats, a bookshelf, and personal stories. NOFOTC is also in the process of organizing local clubs.
TWINS Magazine
is a must see site for parents of multiples!!! Check it out!!!
Their goal is to provide twins, other multiples and their families and friends a fun and comprehensive web portal on the Internet to learn more about why it's special to be a twin.
Fun For Children Children's Television Workshop, the official home of Sesame Street is a test site featuring parenting information and Sesame Street activities for kids. This site is loaded with interactive games and activities for children, as well as items of interest to parents.
For all kinds of great twin and
triplet merchandise, drop over to
Four Dee Products, Inc. . They also have a great resource
section for parenting advice!
Great Collections specializes in twin and triplet charms and jewelry.
Wombmates are triplet sisters and the proud owners of Wombmates, a company specializing in products for families with multiples.
The entertaining and educational video starring twins, triplets and quadruplets up close and at play, Twin Takes is for the young and young at heart.
La Leche League Intl.
A breastfeeding support organization. This site can link you to local breastfeeding support leaders that can answer breastfeeding questions.
Medela offers a variety of breast pumps for breastfeeding mothers. Their site contains valuable information for all breastfeeding mothers, but especially ones that are returning to work and need to pump their milk. It provides helpful answers to most frequently asked questions about pumping and low milk supply.
A leader in nursing clothes, Motherwear also provides valuable information about common breastfeeding problems. It has a variety of literature available on various topics relating to breastfeeding.
John Robinson's Twinsburg Page
At present, John's page has more information about the festival than is available at the official site.
Twins Days in Twinsburg, Ohio
Each year during the first full weekend in August, a festival is held in Twinsburg, Ohio (about 30 miles south of Cleveland). It's reported to be the largest annual gathering of twins in the world.
Center for the Study of Autism
This site offers lots of wonderful articles about issues affecting autistic children, related disorders, sibling relationships, and new interventions/therapies. P.O. Box 4538, Salem, OR 97302,
ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education
This site is literally a clearinghouse of education articles and information for parents and educators of children with special needs.
Parent's Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights
A group of professionals who work with parents to mandate educational rights for special needs children. 4826 Chicago Ave South, Minneapolis, MN 55417-1098, voice phone (612) 827-2966, TDD (612) 827-7770
Special Education Resources on the Internet
Sponsored by Hood College in Frederick, Md, Special Education Resources on the Internet (SERI) is a compilation of general disabilities information with extensive links to products for the disabled and resources for those with physical and health impairments.
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
The mission of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association is to promote the interests of and provide the highest quality services for professionals in audiology, speech-language pathology, and speech and hearing science, and to advocate for people with communication disabilities. This site provides resources for parents as well. 10801 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852, Answer Line (888) 321-ASHA, Action Center (800) 498-2071, voice (301) 897-5700, TTY (301) 897-0157, fax (301) 571-0457.
United Cerebral Palsy Association
Their mission is to advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities. 166 L Street NW, Suite 700, Washington DC 20036, call (800) 872-5827 or fax (202) 776-0414
Sidelines National Support Network
Sidelines is a network of support groups across the country for women with complicated pregnancies and their families. PO Box 1808, Laguna Beach, CA 92652, (714) 497-2265 or (719) 488-0266,
Twin Hope Inc.
Offers services to families, educates the public and professionals, and broadens the awareness of Twin Transfusion Syndrome and other twin related diseases. Provides ongoing support for multiple birth loss and a free, bi-annual publication titled TwinLines with mothers stories and a medical update. Twin Hope distributes educational manuals, brochures, and literature to families and medical professionals. Jill MacNiven, President, 2592 West 14th St., Cleveland, OH 44113, (216) 731-6940 (216) 228-TTTS,
Twinless Twins Support Group, International
Dr. Brandt, whose identical twin was accidentally killed at age 20, founded and directs Twinless Twin Support Group. He actively counsels and works with twins and their families where there has been a death or terminal illness of a twin or other multiple. He also counsels adult twins loss for the International Twins Association (ITA). Dr. Brandt has been interviewed on many national talk shows and in printed articles. (Now available: Twinsworld, a magazine for twins by twins.) Dr. Raymond W. Brandt, 11220 St. Joe Rd., Fort Wayne, IN 46835, (219) 627-5414,
The Florida Institute for Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy
This non-profit organization was established to provide patients and physicians with the latest and most advanced resources in the field of prenatal diagnosis and therapy, including twin to twin transfusion syndrome.
Twin Hope Inc.
A service for twin-related diseases. 2592 W. 14th St., Cleveland, OH 44113, or call (216) 228-8887
Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome Foundation Inc.
Founded in 1992, The TTTS Foundation is an international 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing educational, emotional, and multiple birth loss support to families, medical professionals, parents of multiples, clubs, and other caregivers before, during or after a diagnosis of TTTS. The organization's mission is saving the babies, improving their future health and care, furthering medical research, and keeping families together the way twins are meant to be. TTTS newsletter and many resources available upon request. Mary Salman-Forsythe, Executive Director, National Office: 411 Longbeach Pkwy, Bay Village, OH 44140, Fax: (440) 899-8887,
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