Hi Everone! My passion of the moment is Pokemon,
anything pokemon!
My RegGram has big plans for this page.
I think it is going to get to be too much for one page,
so she will probably make me a Pokemon site of my own.
For now, enjoy what she can get on here and
she'll put a link to the other site when she gets it finished.
YIPPEEE!! She's finally got it started!
Click on the Mew button below to see what's done so far.

(Home)(Destiny's Domain)(Payne's Province)
(Sister Love)(Here Kitty Kitty)
(My Cup Overfloweth)(Webrings)

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Constructed and maintained by RegGram.
Hey, Kids! She said you could
use any of these graphics if you like!
My RegGram's still learning but
I like her stuff!
Go to RegGram's graphics site to see more.
You can "steal" them from there too!

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