HI!! My name is Payne.
I'm the big brother Destiny followed up the tree. *grin*

I helped her down. HONEST!!
More than once!

Payne is a healthy 10 year old with a severe case of ADHD.
That's Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Wow! What a mouthful! If you think the name
of this disorder is a challenge, you should try dealing
with a child that is well above average intelligence
but unable to sit still or focus for more than a few
minutes at a time.
Payne is highly imaginative and has many interests
including dinasaurs, reptiles, animals in general
and (you guessed it!) dragons! He had Grandma searching
for hours for the treasures on this page!
Payne is of a loving and generous nature and his world
consists of family for the most part. Friends are hard to
come by because of the ADHD. Read more about this
condition on his Grandmother's site.

Read Payne's story by RegGram. My pet name for Grandma!
That's the before story. Read of
how I have progressed on

Meet some of my dragon friends!

Courtesy of GranGrans

(Home)Destiny's Domain)(Are you a Mean Mom?)
(Sister Love)(Here Kitty Kitty)
(My Cup Overfloweth)(Pokemon Paradise)

This many dragon lovers braved the heat of my site!

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The background RegGram picked up from Grandma & Son Graphics.
Unfortunately, she is getting old (51) and forgetful.
She forgot to write down the address!
If you know where we can find this site,
please email MOM. RegGram would probably lose it again! *grin*
All the rest of the dragon graphics can be found
on the following sites. Guess RegGram's memory isn't totally gone.

RegGram may be losing her memory but her
surfing skills are still keen! She found
the site she borrowed the background set from.
For super kids graphics, visit Cyber Grandma & Son!

For now.

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