This page is for you sis!
I love you!

A sisters love
although i didn't choose you as my sister,
as you had no choice for a sister in me.
i have been so lucky to have been given you,
as you're the best sister there could ever be.
what we share together is so very special;
unlike what we share with anyone else.
as we have a bond that only sisters can feel.
because in each other we see a part of ourself.
being individuals we may not always agree,
but that is just part of us all being unique.
yet i know that i can always turn to you,
and you'll be my strength when i am weak.
you've been more than just a sister to me,
as over the years you have been a best friend.
i cherish the joys of having you as my sister;
a blessing i've been given, which has no end.
we've shared our lives, our laughter and tears,
and grown as close as two sisters could be.
you're an important part of my life, and i love you;
i'm so glad that you have been a sister for me!

My Sister
My sister is my heart.
She opens doors to rooms
I never knew were there,
Breaks through walls
I don't recall building.
She lights my darkest corners
With the sparkle in her eyes.
My sister is my soul.
She inspires my wearied spirit
To fly on wings of angels
But while I hold her hand
My feet never leave the ground.
She stills my deepest fears
With the wisdom of her song.
My sister is my past.
She writes my history
In her eyes I recognize myself,
Memories only we can share.
She remembers, she forgives
She accepts me as I am
With tender understanding.
My sister is my future.
She lives within my dreams
She sees my undiscovered secrets,
Believes in me as I stumble
She walks in step beside me,
Her love lighting my way.
My sister is my strength
She hears the whispered prayers
That I cannot speak
She helps me find my smile,
Freely giving hers away
She catches my tears
In her gentle hands.
My sister is like no one else
She's my most treasured friend
Filling up the empty spaces
Healing broken places
She is my rock, my inspiration.
Though impossible to define,
In a word, she is...my sister.
Poem by Lisa Lorden

Little Sister of Mine
Well little sister of mine
I see you have my clothes on again,
And isn't that my perfume
that I can smell so strong?
And how about those shoes,
aren't they my Easter clogs?
What about those socks,
are they mine too?
Well little sister of mine
the least you could do
is to get the clothes that fit
and use a little less perfume.
And those shoes you can have
cause they are kind of tight on me.
As for the socks,
they're yours, I see.
My love is yours too.
And well, as for me,
I'm trying to be
as nice a big sister
"as I possibly can be."

A Very Special Sister
For many years we've shared our lives
One roof we once lived under
Sometimes we laughed, sometimes we cried
Through winter storms and thunder
The younger years have faded fast
We've gone our separate ways
But through all time our friendship lasts
Our bond in life remains
As summer brings the happy times
The autumn winds will whisper
A closer friend I'd never find
Than the one I call my Sister.

Time Will Never Change the Love We Share as Sisters
Time has changed our secrets
and the pigtails in our hair;
It has changed the silly arguments
and the giggles that we shared.
It has changed our childish happiness
to grown-up make-believe,
And leaving us with little else,
it has slowly changed
our dreams....
Time has come along and changed
the essence of our world;
Then finally and silently,
it has changed the little girls.
But having taken away the dreams
and the simple things we shared before.
Time has led us to the lasting things
we need each other for...
Memories of moments
that were made for us to share,
The crazy laughter
that's somehow always there,
The hidden corners of our lives
only we will ever know,
And the love that becomes deeper
and sweeter as it grows.
Time changes many things
and some dreams come apart,
But nothing can reach or change
the love for you
that lives within my heart.
Dianna Barnett

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