Be patient as the pictures load
I am blessed with the opportunity to sponser you
Always remember God loves you and I do too..
Always honor and love your grandmother
Show love and respect also to mother..
Pray to God for guidance and to show his earthy plan.
Ask God to be with you all of your life span..
For now Lamin as long as I am given the chance..
With Gods help I will help your life enhance..
Although in distance and cultures we are far apart
Lamin you and family will always be in my heart
Sharing and giving to those who have none
Can be the most rewarding thing you have ever done
Won't you help some precious child be fed today?
Help clothe and educate them so healthy they can stay
Think about if it were our children going without
If someone counted their blessings and without a doubt
Didn't hesitate to share with them a part of what they had
We'd truly understand the meaning of being glad...
I believe God would be proud of us his creation
If we each helped even one in need throughout the nation..
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