I must go deep within and fight like never before
Surviving each day is a challenge I can't ignore..
Finding that enter strength within my very soul..
Praying I endure the pain of each day my goal..
Truly amazing where there is will there is a way
To overcome all the obstacles tossed me each day..
I find one of the greatest ways to overcome it all..
Is being there to help someone up when they fall..
Even if it's only showing someone that I care
Giving a part of what God has blessd me with and share...
When I worry about others my problems seen small..
II want to be here for them if someone does call...
I pray God show me the way to help those truly in need..
I must always be open to listen to God to succeed...
****and remember to live one day at a time****
Tread very softly and slowly so not ot have regret
All that I have chosen to live with and fret
Even if only in my dreams I can travel far far away
To take me from the now to mabe that's where someday...
Dreams are all that substain me for right now
As long as I can dream I can go on some way some how
Live for now and stop looking back at what could have been
If I can make myself forget the pain of the past then....
And only then can I truly start living again.....
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