My Thoughts
March 8 - I added a Link to a Web site of Jessica's that she started yesterday. I also started that garden journal page!
March 7, 2000 - Wow, it's been forever since I've done anything with our family web site. I'm thinking that I'm going to get to it and make it up-to-date again! One of the first things that I should do is add a gardening journal page to catalog/record the goings on for the yard this year. The gardening bug has already struck for the year, I've ordered a lot of seeds and plants from White Flower Farms, Shepard Seeds, Park Seed and Burpee. All the seeds have arrived and even though it's probably way too early, I've planted (because of that gardening bug) a few flats already. They're on the kitchen counter, and I've been proudly watching the last two days as every one started germinating. (Oh dear, what am I to do with all these over the next 2 months!)
August 30 - Today is my birthday. Coincidentally the church had a potluck after services so that was a nice way to celebrate. I received a Good Neighbor Award from my CL KBrezin for writing to her about some inactive sites in the HSelect Web Ring. Being helpful certainly has paid off this week!
August 26 - Today I received 2 awards from Angel after she viewed my pages. She visited after I wrote to help her.
August 24 - Yikes, today I started part-time at a Phar-mor store that is a few minutes from the house.
August 23 - Curtis got another haircut today.
August 13 - We finished a week of VBS last night. It kept us pretty busy. I added more pictures of Jill for her mom to see.
August 8 - New page about Andy and me meeting and our lives together. A current picture of Jessica.
August 7 - I added a lot more pictures of Jill (Monika's friend). Six more cross-stitch pictures - all Sesame Street. A couple pictures of Curtis sleeping (he looks so darling). Andy worked on a really messed up JavaScript that I saw in a book. Fixing it up lets me say a different poem line each day.
August 6 - I improved the background.gif on Oma's page. I also added a photo to my bird page. I added a visitor page so Jill's mom wouldn't miss her daughter too much!
August 5 - Today was our wedding anniversary, 20 years. Jessica was really nice and arranged to have a dessert(!) pot-luck at church tonight to celebrate with friends. Yum, Yum.
August 4 - Monika's friend, Jill, arrived from Arizona.
August 3, 1998 - I've been trying to visit people's homepages to see what I like and came across this idea of a journal from Annette. I'm also starting my birding page today. The van got picked up from the shop today after sitting there for the weekend. It's so nice to have *my* car back. Even if I didn't have to go anywhere! Yesterday, all of us went to the Youth devo. Curtis had a wonderful time - among other things played in the sand (like it was a sandbox) that was at the base of their pool.
This page created August 4th, 1998
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