Bird Sightings and Activities

March 7, 2000. I think that this year I'll record the birds that we see in our yard. The usual birds at the south side feeders are chickadees, cardinals, goldfinches, english sparrows and house finches. This week grackles are back also. Off and on through the winter starlings would make pests of themselves. The feeder on our bedroom window with sunflower seeds and safflower has 2 red breasted nuthatches that visit fairly regularly. Interesting fact for this winter is that the robins never left. It's always been fun to notice when they come back in the spring, well not this year!
August 4, 1998. The sunflowers that bloomed (in the garden that I can view from the kitchen window), have been very entertaining. For the past month, cardinals and goldfinches, have been doing balancing acts to reach down and peck at the seeds that filled the flowers. There aren't many seeds left. I've been very surprised that squirrels didn't find the flowers and strip all the seeds out immediately. I even taste tested them a while ago. They were delicious - I'd describe them as being like corn on the cob when it's at the soft milk stage. Andy saw Chickadees (5) hanging down under the flowers today.

Here is a shot of when we were feeding the birds. You can see the female cardinal and some house finches. We had them every day as well as goldfinches. This feeder had safflower seed. I had other feeders filled with thistle seeds (for the goldfinches), or sunflower seeds and one with millet.

A great bird site is Peterson Online. I also really like their CD-ROM Multimedia Guide, I was able to borrow it from our local library. It's organized so it's easy to use it to identify birds and you can learn lots - like the different bird songs/calls.
This page created August 4th, 1998. Updated August 11th, 1998.
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