My Family
Andy and I were definitely meant for one another. We met three times before we "found" each other. Each time was separate and distinct, with nothing truly memorable about it. However, when we did get together we both could clearly remember the chain of events that led up to our courtship.

We met on our first day up at school in September of 1975, at The University of Connecticut. It was before the semester started. I was curled on the couch in the dorm study room and he walked in and talked to me. His room was next door, and he explained that he was exploring what else was on the floor. He remembers that he was surprised that I not only had my books already, but that I was studying before classes had started. I was really just enjoying the experience of having my new books. He left without introducing himself, and then as I thought, "I don't know his name", he popped back in, saying, "I don't think I introduced myself" pointed to a name embroidered on a patch on his knee, and left again. Hummm. We met again in December when the Dorm went Caroling (something I'd normally never do). I realized that a too pushy boy was making the rounds trying to hold the ladies arms. So before he got to me I latched onto Andy, who conveniently was walking at my side. We had a great time, but I, not knowing what to expect, retreated to my room, when we got back to the dorm. He says he searched for me, but to no avail. Our next encounter was after the Christmas break when he came knocking on doors to introduce himself. We played cards for a long while, and agreed to meet again. Sometime in the next day or so we went for a short walk. That turned into a long talk that lasted all night in the stairwell of a class building next door. From then on we've been inseparable.

I'll continue the saga another night!


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