1. Edward1 Lewis birth date unknown.
He married Rebecca Lothrob. Rebecca became the mother of Sarah Lewis Guilford, New Haven County, Connecticut, March 12, 1741/1742.
Edward became the father of Sarah Lewis Guilford, New Haven County, Connecticut, March 12, 1741/1742.
Edward Lewis and Rebecca Lothrob had the following child:
Sarah2 Lewis was born Guilford, New Haven County, Connecticut March 12,
1741/1742. Sarah died Dec. 1, 1814 Connecticut, at 72 years of age. She married Samuel Way
Litchfield, Litchfield County, Connecticut, Sept. 1, 1761. Samuel was born Litchfield, Litchfield County, Connecticut
Sept. 16, 1737. Samuel was the son of David Way and Esther Russell. Samuel died Dec. 1806 Thomaston, Litchfield County,
Connecticut, at 69 years of age. At 30 years of age Samuel became the father of Phebe Way Litchfield, Litchfield County,
Connecticut, June 17, 1768. (See Samuel Way for the continuation of this line.)
At 26 years of age Sarah became the mother of Phebe Way Litchfield, Litchfield County, Connecticut, June 17, 1768.
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