1. James Steven1 Lewis birth date unknown.
He married Marilyn Virginia Bodenhamer Dec. 14, 1963. Marilyn was born Galesburg, Illinois March 3, 1940. Marilyn was the daughter of Charles Elmer Bodenhamer and Minnie Viola Poole. At 17 years of age Marilyn became the mother of Melody Sue Davis Freeport, Illinois, Jan. 22, 1958. At 21 years of age Marilyn became the mother of Stephen Eugene Davis Mendota, Illinois, Oct. 18, 1961. At 24 years of age Marilyn became the mother of James Ryan Davis Galesburg, Illinois, June 12, 1964. At 25 years of age Marilyn became the mother of Amy Rae Lewis Galesburg, Illinois, June 31, 1965. At 30 years of age Marilyn became the mother of Eric Alden Davis Spring Valley, Illinois, Jan. 19, 1971.
James became the father of Amy Rae Lewis Galesburg, Illinois, June 31, 1965.
James Steven Lewis and Marilyn Virginia Bodenhamer had the following child:
Amy Rae2 Lewis was born Galesburg, Illinois June 31, 1965. She married Dwayne Allen Menne Oct. 20, 1984. Dwayne was born April 12, 1963. Dwayne is the son of
Joseph Menne and Stella Unknown. At 22 years of age Dwayne became the father of Tiffany Michelle Menne Peoria,
Illinois, Aug. 10, 1985. At 25 years of age Dwayne became the father of Emily Joy Menne Peoria, Illinois, Nov.
28, 1988. At 28 years of age Dwayne became the father of Alyssa Beth Menne Peoria, Illinois, June 26, 1991. At 32 years
of age Dwayne became the father of Hope Rene Menne Peoria, Illinois, July 14, 1995. At 34 years of age Dwayne
became the father of Joshua Joseph Dwayne Menne Peoria, Illinois, Aug. 13, 1997. (See Dwayne
Allen Menne for the continuation of this line.)
At 20 years of age Amy became the mother of Tiffany Michelle Menne Peoria, Illinois, Aug. 10, 1985. At 23 years of age Amy became the mother of Emily Joy Menne Peoria, Illinois, Nov. 28, 1988. At 26 years of age Amy became the mother of Alyssa Beth Menne Peoria, Illinois, June 26, 1991. At 30 years of age Amy became the mother of Hope Rene Menne Peoria, Illinois, July 14, 1995. At 32 years of age Amy became the mother of Joshua Joseph Dwayne Menne Peoria, Illinois, Aug. 13, 1997.
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