1. Marion Conner1 McAlhany birth date unknown.
He married Marge Simmons. Marge became the mother of Maria McAlhany Orangeburg County, South Carolina, Sept. 5, 1895.
Marion became the father of Maria McAlhany Orangeburg County, South Carolina, Sept. 5, 1895.
Marion Conner McAlhany and Marge Simmons had the following child:
Maria2 McAlhany was born Orangeburg County, South Carolina Sept. 5, 1895.
Maria died March 11, 1978 Orangeburg County, South Carolina, at 82 years of age. Her body was interred aft. March 11,
1978 Orangeburg County, South Carolina, Memorial Park Cemetery. She married Rosser Newton Smith.
Rosser was born Orangeburg County, South Carolina Sept. 21, 1891. Rosser was the son of Burwell Riddick Smith and
Elizabeth Ellen Williams. Rosser died Dec. 27, 1959 Orangeburg County, South Carolina, at 68 years of age. His
body was interred aft. Dec. 27, 1959 Orangeburg County, South Carolina, Memorial Park Cemetery. (See Rosser Newton Smith for the continuation of this line.)
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