First Generation

1. Hoyt Baxter1 McBrayer birth date unknown.

He married Cora Lee Armstrong. Cora became the mother of Ethel Inez McBrayer Chickasaw County, Mississippi, Aug. 1, 1918.

Hoyt became the father of Ethel Inez McBrayer Chickasaw County, Mississippi, Aug. 1, 1918.

Hoyt Baxter McBrayer and Cora Lee Armstrong had the following child:

child 2 i. Ethel Inez2 McBrayer(194) was born Chickasaw County, Mississippi Aug. 1, 1918. Ethel died Aug. 16, 1997 Tupelo, Lee, Mississippi, at 79 years of age. Her body was interred aft. Aug. 16, 1997 Van Vleet, Chickasaw, Mississippi, Friendship Cemetery. She married James William Culpepper Chickasaw County, Mississippi, Aug. 5, 1939. James was born Houlka, Chickasaw County, Mississippi May 12, 1910. James(195) was the son of William Alexandra Culpepper and Lizzie Ella "Daisy" Mathis. James died Dec. 25, 1993 Tupelo, Lee County, Mississippi, at 83 years of age. His body was interred aft. Dec. 25, 1993 Van Vleet, Chickasaw County, Mississippi, Friendship Cemetery.

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