First Generation

1. Augustus Gus1 Johnson was born Kentucky July 16, 1903.

He married Luella Jean Allen July 29, 1929. Luella was born Lincoln County, Kansas March 27, 1901. Luella was the daughter of James Will Allen and Hattie Marguerite Schroeder. Luella died Oct. 20, 1988 Laverne, Oklahoma, at 87 years of age. At 29 years of age Luella became the mother of Leah Merle Johnson Balko, Oklahoma, March 2, 1931. At 35 years of age Luella became the mother of Verle Dean Johnson Laverne, Oklahoma, May 8, 1936. At 39 years of age Luella became the mother of Dale Wayne Johnson Balko, Oklahoma, Aug. 2, 1940.

At 27 years of age Augustus became the father of Leah Merle Johnson Balko, Oklahoma, March 2, 1931. At 32 years of age Augustus became the father of Verle Dean Johnson Laverne, Oklahoma, May 8, 1936. At 37 years of age Augustus became the father of Dale Wayne Johnson Balko, Oklahoma, Aug. 2, 1940.

Augustus Gus Johnson and Luella Jean Allen had the following children:

child 2 i. Leah Merle2 Johnson was born Balko, Oklahoma March 2, 1931. Leah died May 8, 2002 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, at 71 years of age. She married Troy Hooser.

child 3 ii. Verle Dean Johnson was born Laverne, Oklahoma May 8, 1936. Verle died Nov. 5, 2004 Aransas Pass, Texas, at 68 years of age. He married Wynona Briscoe Dec. 9, 1961. Wynona was born Aug. 3, 1932. Wynona died Nov. 2000.

child 4 iii. Dale Wayne Johnson was born Balko, Oklahoma Aug. 2, 1940. Dale died Jan. 25, 2006 Laverne, Harper County, Oklahoma, at 65 years of age. He married Unknown Young.

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