First Generation

1. Ivor Earl1 Johnson was born Barry, Illinois March 3, 1891.

He married Minnie Emily Carr. Minnie was born Kansas Sept. 26, 1895. Minnie was the daughter of Francis Marion Carr and Ella Mae Coddington. At 27 years of age Minnie became the mother of Minnie Maxine Johnson Abingdon, Knox County, Illinois, May 14, 1923.

At 32 years of age Ivor became the father of Minnie Maxine Johnson Abingdon, Knox County, Illinois, May 14, 1923.

Ivor Earl Johnson and Minnie Emily Carr had the following child:

child 2 i. Minnie Maxine2 Johnson was born Abingdon, Knox County, Illinois May 14, 1923.

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