1. Eddie1 Cunningham birth date unknown.
He married Susan Kay DeMotte abt. 1976. Susan was born Sacramento, California Aug. 16, 1954. Susan is the daughter of Berl Eugene DeMotte and Irene Ballard. At 20 years of age Susan became the mother of Charles Jeffrey Craft Moline, Illinois, Feb. 9, 1975. At 22 years of age Susan became the mother of Krista Lee Cunningham Macomb, Illinois, Feb. 6, 1977. At 23 years of age Susan became the mother of Anna Elizabeth Cunningham Macomb, Illinois, April 6, 1978.
Eddie became the father of Krista Lee Cunningham Macomb, Illinois, Feb. 6, 1977. Eddie became the father of Anna Elizabeth Cunningham Macomb, Illinois, April 6, 1978.
Eddie Cunningham and Susan Kay DeMotte had the following children:
Krista Lee2 Cunningham was born Macomb, Illinois Feb. 6, 1977.
Anna Elizabeth Cunningham was born Macomb, Illinois April 6, 1978.
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