First Generation

1. Brain1 Cummins was born Feb. 10, 1958.

He married Sandra Norton May 30, 1986. Sandra was born Oxnard, California Nov. 15, 1954. Sandra is the daughter of Walter T. Norton II and Evelyn Janette Hogan. At 17 years of age Sandra became the mother of Julie Ane Smith Oxnard, California, Oct. 18, 1972. At 18 years of age Sandra became the mother of Lisa Jaylene Smith Oxnard. California, Nov. 13, 1973. At 21 years of age Sandra became the mother of Christopher Smith Oxnard, California, June 15, 1976. At 32 years of age Sandra became the mother of Casey Cummins Ventura, California, Nov. 3, 1987.

At 29 years of age Brain became the father of Casey Cummins Ventura, California, Nov. 3, 1987.

Brain Cummins and Sandra Norton had the following child:

child 2 i. Casey2 Cummins was born Ventura, California Nov. 3, 1987.

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