Our Mom in the Spotlight for the week of November 1st - November 7th is:
Date of birth: : April 7th 1959 Number of children: 3 Names and ages of children: : Sean (12/3/86) Cade and Connor (11/15/94) Where you live now & Where you are from: Baltimore, Maryland (same) Where you would like to live: On a large farm with my husband, sons, parents, sisters and their families. If I had a choice of states--Montana. Where you would like to live: Anywhere where we can live in peace, freedom, and worship God the way He intended us to worship Him. I really like California, though. Hobbies: Reading, playing with my children, computer graphics, going to visit parks, museums, etc. with my children Favorite flower: All Favorite color: Green Favorite food: Anything hot and spicy but no meat! Favorite place: Glacier National Park Favorite actor/actress: I really don't have a favorite--I like some actors/actresses in certain roles. Favorite movie/s: GWTW Favorite television show/s: Cooking shows on FoodTV and Home Decorating Shows on the HG channel and the Discovery Channel Favorite singer/s: I like a wide variety--no favorites. Depends upon mood and season of the year. Favorite song/s: None Favorite author: Many--love historical romances, good old-fashioned whodunnits, epic stories Favorite book/s: Many. We homeschool and our house is filled with very good books. Favorite Saint/s: St. Anne Person/s I admire most: My parents Favorite quote or Scripture Verse: The Lord is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation. Psalm 118:14 Home page URL and title: Dani's Delusions http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/3909/
Here is a *special* gift for our mom in the spotlight. Thank you Dani for giving so much of yourself to help others God bless you sweetie† †May
our Lord Give you His peace.†