Name | Post Date |
Votive Candle |
Prayer Request |
Update |
Lea |
10/19/98 |
Hello all I am asking that you all keep our son in your prayers as he will be going for an operation on the 22nd of Oct for his foot he was born with a club foot and this is the 2nd one on his foot. He is four and very active he as a lot of other medcial problems and I just pray that he makes it threw this as I am a very worry mother from losing one child already. I am leaving it in God's hands but boy is it hard to do. Thank you all. Peace, Lea |
Judy |
9/29/98 |
Dear friends, Please pray for a friend and co-worker of mine. Today, while at work, someone called her and "informed her" that her husband was "involved" with someone at his job. She left work very upset, has a 1 year old daughter. I would just like you to keep her in your prayers. Her husband is Catholic, though not practicing, she was baptized Catholic also. It is so sad....
| Just an update of my post on 9/29. It seems that the call at work to my friend was just a fabrication. A girl made the call and apparently she is interested in my friend's husband. My friend was able to determine from several co-workers of the husband that it isn't true. Thanks for your prayers for my friend. It is a stressful time for her but I think that her husband has been faithful and true to her.
Nancy |
9/28/98 |
I have another prayer request - and a thanksgiving - about our paster
emeritus. Fr. Biasio suffered a massive stroke 3 years ago that left
him in a wheelchair with little to no use of his left side. Over the
weekend he apparantly suffered from another stroke and is now in a
nursing home that cares for retired priests and has the facilities to
care for him. The parish has been praying for this home to have an
opening for him and they called yesterday morning - just exactly when
they were desperately needed - saying that they could take him. It is
very difficult seeing him go, but better for the rectory and better for
him. He is not that old (mid-60's), but his infirmity was a great drain
on the household, both physically and emotionally to these other
priests. Please keep Fr. Biasio in your prayers, as well as the rest of
the Fathers of St. Joseph and our parish, Blessed Junipero Serra. |
Shahariett |
9/28/98 |
This friend of mine just sent this to me, Please We know God hears our prayers in droves. Shaharriet
I am writing to ask for your prayers for me and for my cousin. She has
an abortion scheduled for I believe the second of Oct. She is 3 months
along already. I need to know how to approach her to discuss this with
her. Her mother is Catholic, but is behind this procedure, as the girl
already has 1 child that she never takes care of, and her mother doesn't
want to get "stuck" with another one. I am going to talk to her today,
so please, pray hard for me, that I may find the right words to soften
her heart. I am going to suggest adoption to her, as I donn't believe
she has considered that option. Sorry if this ramble a little, but I am
quite upset. My mother is upset with me for "interfering" and says that
nothing I can say will change the girls' mind, but, be that as it may, I
must try.
Thanks for your support!
Shahariett |
9/28/98 |
David is a young missionary on the Chiang Mai,
Thailand mission team. He is
critically ill with an unknown parasite and
apparently will die within two
months unless there is an intervention by the
Lord. Please help create a
global blanket of prayer for David, Michelle and their four month old
daughter, Brianna.
Nancy |
9/28/98 |
Please keep the mother of one of my dearest friends in your prayers.
She is recovering from an inner cerebral hemmorhage that required
emergency surgery. This was complicated by severe thrombosis in both
legs that can not be treated conventionally because of the
neurosurgery. The family, especially Barbara's husband, Don, really
need your prayers also. I know that prayers are a truly wonderful
thing...Barbara has had many miracles in the last 2 weeks since surgery
to praise the Lord about: surviving the surgery, no cancer, a negative
angiogram, and successful implant of an umbrella valve below her liver
to catch any clots that break free from her legs. Thank you all for
your prayers.
Barbara started PT yesterday, and Sharon (her daughter -
my friend) said they actually had her laughing. She didn't do well on
the "memory" test, but they had her up with a walker standing on her own
momentarily. This was really great news.
Shaharriet |
9/20/98 |
Landon was in today he had 102.8 fever and a wet cough, and not eating. His O 2 sat was 94 -95 asleep and 97 awake. NO wheezing and lungs were very clear, moving air well. Last time his wbc was 19,000 and his Blood culture grew out staph after 3 days so they figured it was contaminated. Due to that and then now a fever Dr. Thomas decided to repeat the Blood work, and the x-rays. His xray was neg both PA and LAT. His wbc was down to 12,000 he was a bit dry so they bolused him 250cc and on exam found out he had otitis in his right ear. Valerie came in and concured with Dr. Thomas. He is home now and on Pediazole qid. Funny Kiana is on it to a day ahead for sinusitis, and a cough. Jadeja has a runny nose and cough now too. Her 6 month well baby is Friday so I hope she can stay well. Cierra is still getting nebs but doing alot better.
Shaharriet |
9/20/98 |
It is with Great Sadness that I write this letter to you. In July one Sunday there was a young couple Brice and Katie . They were new here to Misawa , about a month or two. I greeted them that day and they talked of how they were excited about getting closer to God and joining our activities. Brice was to enter RCIA this month.
Well the following Friday he crashed his F-16 and has been at Brooke Army Medical Center in San antonio,TX where he has battled 2nd and 3rd degree burns over 80% of his body, 2 amputations of both legs, 5 surgeries, and numerous other health battles. He and Katie celebrated a year of marriage this past August 9th, the day before James and I celebrated 7. We went to dinner and a movie, they were in a hospital room with all that and yet they had each other. Katie at 24 and Brice at 26 were a model of strength. Today at 12noon local and 10pm last night for you Brice lost the battle here on EARTH but is now cradled with our Lord. Please pray for Katie to endure, spouses everywhere to feel blessed they have each other, and for all the pilots and their families as they fly everyday.
A Memorial Service will be held here on Tuesday for the entire Misawa Air Base Community. May God help us all.
Love and Prayers James and Shaharriet.
The Memorial service was yesterday. As sad as it all is
it was done very well. They had a picture of Brice and Katie(just like
I'd like to remember Brice) and a very moving letter Katie wrote
explaining how Brice was a" warrior to the end". She
stated that when his heart stopped the Drs. and nurses did CPR on him for one
hour. "They did not want to let him go either". She also plans to
return here to Japan for some sense of "closure". She stated "Brice's
fight is over and mine has just begun". As President of CWOC, I was
pleased to announce in accordance with Katie's wishes, we collected $300
toward the Memorium in Brice's name for The Fischer House. The amount is
sure to change as I'm still collecting.
Well for those of you in the USA, please pray for Katie"s strength
TODAY. Remember, there will be a funeral service starting at 11AM at the USAF Academy
Catholic Cadet Chapel. Immediately following the church service there
will be a military graveside service at the USAF Academy Cadet Cemetery.
You know it is ironic, Our RCIA class has 30 people striving to become
Catholic, Brice was to be #31. They were married Catholic as Katie is a "cradle Catholic" and he had decided to join our faith. They were
married for 13 months!
Shaharriet |
9/15/98 |
Dear Prayer Warriors GOD knows best ALWAYS!! Our Overseas Tour was extended to August 2002. Thank you all so much for all the prayers. GOD be with all of you and each of your families. YIPEE!!!!! The Houchins
Kathleen |
9/13/98 |
Please pray for our four year old son, Andrew.
He needs extra love, support and prayers from us now, as we sort out some (non
life threatening) medical issues.
Judy |
9/13/98 |
Please pray for my uncle, Jerry Reiter, who is having surgery today
(9-8) for a brain tumor. I am unsure of his prognosis. He is
relatively young, in his 60's. Also for my sister-in-law who has a
history of stomach trouble, who is having a sigmoidoscopy today (9-8)
also. Thanks for your prayers.
Just an update on my uncle, Jerry. His condition is very serious. Prognosis, grim.
The cancer has spread to his lungs. The good news is that he has a good outlook.
Please pray for strength for his family (himself, wife, and kids). He is in his late 50s. My sister-in-law's test was inconclusive but her symptoms seem to be better. Thanks for your prayers. God Bless you.
Mary M. |
9/13/98 |
Please pray for my husband, who is not Catholic. He recently "came
alive" and decided to turn his life and will over to God, but he does
not know Jesus. We had a very difficult few years when I was away from
the Sacraments, and it is wonderful that he now completely supports me
in my faith, even encouraging our children to pray and attend Mass.
God Bless you.
Karen Zastron |
9/7/98 |
Living in South Africa, where violence and crime is such an awful reality,
I live in fear that any member of my family, especially my two small
children, will become yet another statistic. Please pray for all innocent
people, especially children, here and abroad to be protected by the hand of God.
Debbie Smith |
9/4/98 |
Please pray for our parish secretary of many years, JoAnne Evans. She
found out 2 weeks ago that she has lung cancer that has already spread
to the liver. Please pray for her and her family. Thank you.
Cherie Bock |
9/1/98 |
Dear Moms: Please pray for me and my youngest daughter. I know that
this might sound silly, but she is still not sleeping through the night
and I am so very tired that some days I feel I can hardly function to
take care of my oldest daughter (2 years old) let alone take care of the
house. I am alone without any family or friend support as my husband is
military and we are stationed overseas. Please please pray that she
either starts to sleep for more than an hour or two at a time or that I
am given more strength from God. Thank you.
Jennifer Nashif |
8/25/98 |
Tomorrow, Wednesday 8/26, my uncle goes before the parole board to see if he will be released from prison. He's a non-violent offender who has earned a college degree while incarcerated. In fact, my uncle wants to work with juvenile delinquents, to help them straighten out their lives. My dad, who is a police detective, feels that his younger brother is completely rehabilated and prays that he is released so that their mother (a devout Catholic woman) can find some peace. Please pray that justice will be served to the satisfaction of the State, the victims and all involved.
9/1/98 We didn't get an official word, but were told that a decision would be made after a psychiatric evaluation. This seems to be a final formality, though, since other inmates were flatly denied parole. So, it seems like we will be hearing official good news soon. St. Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us.