Introducing Lilly
I had no intention of buying
another ferret, but we happened into this pet store on the Saturday before Easter Sunday.
I picked up this tiny little creature. She looked into my eyes, and I feel in
love with the beautiful little face with the black nose. She stole my heart away.
I put her down and left the store, but I couldn't go back home without her. We
went back and bought her and brought her home. I named her Lilly because she was my
Easter Lily! Lilly became my fifth ferret.

Baby Lilly

Liquid Motion!

Lilly loves this ball!

Lilly loves this tube!

Ready for anything!

I'll show Kit who is boss!

A growing gal has to get her sleep!

Lilly is growing a little!

Lilly is growing!

I'm all grown up now!

I'll yell at you if I want
Since May 1999