This afternoon, June 2, l999, my Kit has been found. He had been missing since May 24. We found him inside the wall of my neighbor's kitchen. He had gotten in there somehow from her utility room. As bony as he is he must have been in there for most of the 10 days he has been gone. He's back home now and doing fine but needs to be fattened-up. Thanks for everyone's prayers as I'm sure they are what helped him be found. I will keep burning this candle for a while as a token of giving thanks and in hopes it might help some other missing ferret be found.
On Monday, 7/20/99, I discovered he was gone again. I was so careful, I thought,
to be sure he didn't get out a door when I opened it. I still don't know when or how he got out,
but I have given up hope that I will ever see him again. I hope if someone found him that he has
a happy home. If he wasn't this fortunate, I hope to someday see him at The Rainbow Bridge.
I will continue burning his candle in hopes it will still help him and any other ferret that is lost
trying to find his way home.

This is my 3rd ferret, Kit. I named him Kit because I thought he was a
female until I got him home. My son bought him for me for Christmas in 1996. He likes
bananas, pimento cheese spread and ferretone for treats. Kit is the one who hides
everything, glasses cases, house shoes, cordless phones, and especially TV and VCR remote
controls. They all have special hiding places for their toys, but Kit is always finding
the other’s toys and hiding them in his place. Of course, the others will find them,
and steal them back. They are all a constant source of joy and good for several laughs a
day regardless of what kind of problems you might have. They are all so different but yet,
so much the same. Just like children, I love them all each in a special way.

Kit thinks any ole place will do for a nap!

Just taking it easy!

What's that you say?

My favorite picture of Kit!
This page will always be "Under Construction"!

I will be adding more ferret pictures from time to time.
Visitors to this page since June 1998
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