Bob Redden

Barbara Redden wrote about angels in our lives. She didn't tell about all of the angels who have come to our rescue over the years. But there have been many. I'm not going to tell about them now, but if you look back, I'm sure you can find some of your own. As Senior Warden, there are many people who I classify as angels looking over me as I try to do what needs to be done. Barbara is my main one. She reminds me of what I need to do and helps do it when she can. She proofreads what I write. A major task. She especially gives me ideas about things to put in the SCORE

She said the other day that I should recognize some of the nonvestry people at St. Nicholas' who devote so much time and effort to health and mission of the church. I hesitate to start naming names because, I know I will miss many who deserve recognition, so I will mention only three now.

Everybody knows that Dot Raymond played the piano for over thirty years. She also directed and trained the choir, and got amazing amounts of top quality music out of so few singers. And, she did it free. Her contribution to St. Nicholas' has been immeasurable. Her contribution to the community as a whole has also been fantastic. It would be nice if everybody, not all at the same time, would go to see her.

Betty Lovell has been going to St. Nicholas' for about thirty years. She has been on the vestry and was Warden, but that was a while ago. She is now one of our behindthescenes mainstays. Besides her work on the Altar Guild she spends a good bit of her life with the food pantry. She shops (not a hardship for her) for some of the food. She spends almost every Monday morning stocking her shelves and packing bags of food for the Hudson Center. Betty Smith used to help before she became ill, and now Lynn Grier and her parent's are helping, but many days I have seen her in the pantry all alone.

The other person I'm going to mention is Sally Buchanan, our SCOREeditor. Barbara and I edit the Delaware Genealogical Society Newsletter, so I know it can be trying. Sally runs a no nonsense operation with great results. I agree with her strict adherence to the deadline. We're sitting here eight days after the DGS deadline waiting for the article that goes first. Computers do help. Sally is always volunteering to do what ever she can. She stepped in as a substitute for Dot at the piano even though it was physically painful. She stays up till the wee hours baking beautiful cakes for our coffee hours, sings in the choir, and has taught Church School . When I was in the hospital, she took off from work to come in and cheer me up. Many thanks for that, too.

I thank all of them.

I just heard from Hal Ayer's wife. He is back in the hospital. Yesterday they did something called a heart oblation where they ran a wire into his heart and deactivated something to make the pacemaker work better. That is supposed to make breathing easier. His wife said he should be as good as new soon.

Sadly, we have to say goodby to Ruth Dorsman who, by the time you read this, will have moved to Virginia. Godspeed.

Don't forget the Lenten Bible study Rod is conducting on Tuesday nights at 7:30 at Church. He will be away on the on March 2nd , but will be back on the 9th. We are studying MARK.

St. Nicholas
Sr. Warden
Worship Reflections
Easter Pagent
Parish Life
Prayer List
Children Conf.
March Calendar
Senior Warden's Report