Jean Grieten

(continued from January and February issues of the SCORE)

On the first Sunday in Lent, our pastor, Rod Welles, shared his thoughts and feelings about taking a Lenten journey inward to the core of our being to find and be with God, making our way through everything that has become a part of who we are  including the joys and pain that surround our thoughts and feelings, our attitudes and memories, right to where God Is, waiting for us.

Upon hearing this message, I remembered that I had made uneasy, tentative attempts of this nature before, and knew that I again needed to reach to God, who wants a loving and very intimate relationship with me. I am still uneasy and nervous about this, knowing the past feelings that I experienced. I do not like to open up and lay bare all these sensitive and sometimes hurting areas, but I am compelled to do it. Hopefully we can progress further in our journeys this time knowing that only God can give us clean hearts and make the poor spirit new as He makes all things new. Hopefully we will love God more, ourselves more, and then love our neighbors more so that they will come to experience God's Love and start on their own journeys.

We hear God's Word through Bible reading, our priest's messages, and our relationships with others directing each of us now to stay awake, alert to the work of spreading God's Kindgom. I pray we, the Church, will have strength to continue going forward on this quest in our journey. Then we will have His Peace on earth.

Jesus said that if we let ourselves be guided by Him in our lives, that our rewards will be great! Amen.

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