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Charles River Dog Training Club, Inc.

Waltham, Massachusetts



Tracking Information

  • CRDTC Tracking Classes

  • New England tracking clubs

  • Upcoming tracking seminars/workshops

  • Links and Reading List

  • CRDTC Tracking Classes

        CRDTC offers a series of beginner tracking classes every June.
        Limited entry. Club members have preference.

    New England clubs with active tracking programs

    New England training schools with tracking programs

      • Amercian K9 Country, Bedford NH
        Tracking Classes with Bobbie Crissey
        603 672-8448, www.americank9country.com

      • Muddy Paws Canine Center, Westminster VT
        FMI: fleabegone@msn.com

    Tracking Links and Reading List

    [ CGC Tests ] [ Matches ] [ AKC trials ]
    [ ASCA trials ] [ UKC trials ] [ Ring rental ] [ Seminars ]

    Updated: Sep-2008

    Dumbbell graphic courtesy of Graphics From Fuzzy Faces