Charles River Dog Training Club, Inc.
Waltham, Massachusetts
Upcoming Seminars, Clinics, & Workshops in New England & NY
Obedience, Performance & Behavior
Agility & Flyball
Conformation & Breed Handling
Health & Wellness
(Freestyle, Carting, Therapy Dogs)
AKC Seminars
(Search by State, Breed, Seminar Type, etc.)
have your event listed here
Obedience, Agility, Performance Events & Behavior
Aug 9 2009 - More Than a Warm Fuzzy seminar with Dr. Myrna Milani
MA Hudson
Explore the role of the human-animal bond in the successful prevention of problem dog behavior. FMI:; Dana Crevling, 508-529-3568 M-F 8am-7pm EST,
Sep 26-27 2009 - Click to Calm Seminar with Emma Parsons
MA Franklin
FMI: MasterPeace Dog Training Ctr, 508-553-9300
Oct 17 & 18 2009 - Janice Gunn seminar
ME Westbrook
FMI: Saccarappa Obedience Club, Lois Hoyt,
October 24 - 25, 2009 - BETSY SCAPICCHIO AND LINDA S. BRENNAN WORKSHOP: 'Outstanding Open & Upbeat Utility'
CT Oxford
FMI:, Marianna Beard
Oct 30-31 & Nov 1 2009 - Sylvia Bishop Seminar
NH Amherst
Oct 31 & Nov 1 2009 - Kathy Sdao seminar
MA Hudson
Flyball tournaments, clinics and events in New England -
New England Flyball Page
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August 29-30 2009 - TDX Tracking Workshop with Ed Presnall
NY Pittsford - Mendon Ponds Park
Sponsored by Dog Obedience Training Club of Rochester New York.
FMI: or Debbie Routhier,
August 30 2009 - Workshop: Starts and Serpentines
NY New Paltz
Half day intermediate workshop for 12 tracking teams but auditors are encouraged as starts and serpentines will apply to all levels of tracking. Meets 9-1, fee $60 for working slots or $40 for auditing. FMI: look under events at
September 19-20 2009 - ROAD MAP TO TDX TRACKING SEMINAR, presented by Ray Desmarais
MA Hardwick
Limited to 10 working teams and 20 auditors.
This seminar is structured to provide a clear progression or map to the TDX and consists of classroom work with a PowerPoint presentation and several sessions in the field. Each day, five of 10 teams will work five tracks of approx. 500 yards with TDX components. A field session of cross tracks with all teams, a TDX demonstration, and a tracklaying session are also included in the 2-day seminar.
Hosted by Yankee Golden Retriever Club. FMI: or Kathy Goodman,
September 19-20 2009 - Beginning Tracking Seminar
NH West Swanzey @ Monadnock Humane Society
9am – 4pm each day. Instructors: Miles Garrod, AKC Tracking Judge; Deb Brown, AKC Tracking Judge. Fee: Working spot $175, Auditor $75, No one-day option. Limited to 10 working teams. FMI:, 603-352-9011 x206
October 10-11 2009 - Tracking Club of MA Beginners Tracking Clinic
MA Ayer
Instructor: Miles Garrod. FMI:; Pamela Frattallone,, 978-486-3157
Oct 24 2009 - Training for Variable Surface Test Tracking seminar with Jerry Lewis and Ray Desmarais
NY Albany
Hosted by Hudson Valley Tracking Club. Indoor presentation, 6:00-9:00PM. FMI:
Dog Tracking Club of Maine
Tracking Event Calendar
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Jul 18-19 2009 - Sheep Herding Clinic with Maurice MacGregor
NH Amherst
Aug 15-16 2009 - Sheep Herding Clinic with Maurice MacGregor
NH Amherst
Sep 10-12 2009 - Jan Wesen Herding Clinic
ME Appleton at Little Dove Farm
Sheep and ducks. Open to 12 working dogs and handlers. Unlimited auditors.
FMI: Suzanne White,
Sep 17-19 2009 - All Breed Herding Seminar with Amy Hill
MA Sturbridge
Working spots limited to about 10 teams. Handlers may split their spot morning/afternoon with a different dog, but not with a different handler. Auditors are welcome, and there is a lot to be learned this way! Stock available: sheep and ducks.
FMI:, Carol Donnelly
About Herding Instinct Tests
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The North American Hunting Retriever Association (
The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association
NAVHDA Calendar of Events
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Misc. Other Events
Ongoing - Canine Freestyle Team
MA Franklin
FMI: Jo Gaebel,, 978-263-4401.
September 11-13 2009 - Camp Lucy
NH Freedom @ Ossipee Lake
CAMP LUCY offers relaxation, recreation and many opportunities to make special life long memories with your beloved canine companion. It also seeks to provide educational and social activities that explore the health, emotions, and behavior of our beloved canine companions and that enhance the canine-human bond. Social, educational, health related, emotional and personal activities are offered such as:
1. Introduction to the concept of Reiki and individual mini sessions
2. Introduction to the concept of Animal-Human Communication and individual mini communication sessions
3. Alternative Therapy Workshops
4. Helpful Grooming Hints
5. Water Games with prizes
6. Team Scavenger Hunt with prizes
7. Introduction to Rally O and individual mini instructional sessions
8. The use of Massage Therapy to enhance your dog's life and individual mini massage sessions
9. Doggy Olympics with prizes
10. Silent Auction and Raffle
11. Quilting clinic
12. Candle Ceremony
September 13, 2009 - So You Think You and Your Dog Can Dance?! Freestyle Seminar with Laurel Rabschutz and Nancy Triou
CT Oxford
FMI: Marianna Beard,
Oct 16-18 2009 - Camp Lucy Wee Dog Weekend
ME Wiscasset
For dogs under 20 lbs. Activities include:
Flower Essence Workshop
Specialized CPR and First Aid modified for "Wee Dogs"
Helpful Grooming Hints for Wee Dogs
Introduction to the concept of Reiki
Overview of Therapy Dog programs featuring those that Wee Dogs may find most enjoyable. Referral material for different Certification Programs.
"Visit with the Vet." Veterinarian will discuss common and not so common medical/surgical conditions specifically affecting Wee Dogs and review the special daily care they need.
Professional Photographer available for photo sessions
Animal Communicator available for individual mini sessions
Introduction to the concept of Animal/Human Communication
Special Wee Dog Games and Team Scavenger Hunt
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Conformation & Breed Handling
Aug 9 2009 - The ABC's of Dog Breeding
MA Greenfield
Presenter: Dr. Claudia Orlandi. Includes practical canine anatomy. Sponsored by Pioneer Valley Kennel Club FMI: Lori Carver,, 413-634-5684
Sep 12 2009 - Canine and Feline Breeding and Genetics
MA Sturbridge
Presenter: Dr. Jerold S. Bell, DVM. Sponsored by Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine. FMI: Continuing Education Department,, 508-887-4723
Jan 23 & 24, 2010 - George Alston Handling Seminar
CT Hamden at Paws N Effect
For Beginners, Advanced and Observers. Sponsored by the South Windsor Kennel Club.
FMI: Peggy Wampold, 860-872-4953,
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Health & Wellness
July 26 2009 - All Breed Health (CERF, Cardiac and Thyroid) and Microchip clinic
MA Marlborough at Marlboro Animal Hosp, 441 Lakeside Av.
$49 Microchip (Home Again) - Dr. Howard M. Coffman, DVM
$30 CERF - Dr. William Greentree, DVM, DACVO
$45 Auscultation - Dr. John MacGregor, DVM, DACVIM
$185 Echocardiogram - Dr. John MacGregor, DVM, DACVIM
$95 Thyroid - Dr. Howard M. Coffman, DVM
For OFA registration, download and complete the application from and bring it with you. Registration deadline: July 1 2009. Printable registration form at Questions: 978 429-4059 or
Aug 9 2009 - The ABC's of Dog Breeding
MA Greenfield
Presenter: Dr. Claudia Orlandi. Includes practical canine anatomy. Sponsored by Pioneer Valley Kennel Club FMI: Lori Carver,, 413-634-5684
Sep 17 2009 - CERF and Optigen Clinic
CERF - Dr Alan Bachrach Jr. VMD. $35.00/Dog, All Breeds Accepted.
FMI: or 203 393-1678
Sep 18 2009 - Cardiac and Optigen Clinic
Dr Nancy Morris ACVIM. All Breeds Welcome!
Auscultation $35, Doppler $185. Scheduling and payment for Dr Morris can be done directly through their website: Optigen - Cheek Swabs Only. The code is PRLRC9918, which is good from September 4, 2009 - September 18, 2009
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ASCA trials
UKC trials
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Dumbbell and pawprints graphics courtesy of
Graphics From Fuzzy Faces