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Charles River Dog Training Club, Inc.
www.geocities.com/crdtc |
While conformation is just for Aussies, obedience is open to all breeds, including All-Americans. ASCA obedience regulations are very similar to those of the AKC. The jump heights were lowered to shoulder height in the summer of 1998. Dogs competing for ASCA Obedience titles are required to start at Novice and work through Utility, regardless of obedience titles awarded by other registries.
Registering for ASCA Performance Events
Effective January 1, 2003 ASCA implemented a new policy whereby non-ASCA registered dogs using ASCA performance programs must now pay for this service. This is being done to help defray processing costs, to give all those who use ASCA programs a unique number for ease of tracking, and to reduce the time ASCA staff spends processing competitors who have no interest in ASCA titles.
In order for non-ASCA registered dogs to have ASCA qualifying legs tracked and to receive ASCA titling certificates, each non-ASCA registered dog will be required to have an ASCA Tracking Number. There is a one-time fee of $10/dog. At the time of applying for the Tracking number, you must be at least a $5 service member of ASCA, however, membership need not be maintained in subsequent years. You do not have to be a member of ASCA to compete in the performance programs, only to use the registry.
To obtain a Tracking number for your dog fill out the ASCA tracking number application for each dog and send in the fee. In the space for registration number use whatever number your dog is already being tracked with by ASCA. If your dog has never entered ASCA events, put N/A and ASCA will assign you a number. Be sure to use full name of your dog. This is a one time fee to track any non-ASCA registered dog for all ASCA performance programs. You do not need to continue membership in ASCA after your dog is registered. A post card will be sent with your ASCA Tracking number.
If your dog has already been tracked by ASCA you still have to get a tracking number for the dog. All previous scores will count but for ASCA to continue to track the dog and issue a certificate a tracking fee must be paid. As long as an application for a tracking number is eventually sent to the Business Office all past qualifying scores will count as long as the owner of the dog can identify where the scores were earned for office verification. It is the owner’s responsibility to identify the shows and legs earned from 1/1/2003 until submission of application. All dogs already being tracked will have the letter T attached to their existing number to indicate a tracking fee was paid.
For more information:
ASCA rules and regulations plus entry forms, www.asca.org
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last update Jan-2009