Fall 2009 class information is at crdtc.org
Schedule of Training Classes and Activities for 2008/2009
CRDTC classes start in September and run through June. Visitors are welcome. Classes are held indoors in Waltham MA.
Beginner Obedience Course
Meets Mondays, 6:00pm at the UMass Field Station, Waltham MA.
Instructor: Jane Young. Assistant Instructor: Jack Hines.
- Teaches YOU how to train your dog using positive reinforcement training methods.
- Based on the Canine Good Citizen exercises. Includes: walking on a loose lead, sit, down, stay, come when called, walking on loose lead with distractions, meeting new people and dogs, supervised separation.
- Covers Good Manners such as wait, leave it, and off.
- The first class is 90 minutes long and is for handlers only.
Positive reinforcement methods including use of a clicker or verbal marker will be explained. Different style collars will be demonstrated and discussed. Shaping will be described and class members will participate in exercises to learn and improve timing.
- Weekly assignments for practice at home. Course fee includes a clicker.
- Instructor plus an experienced assistant to provide individual attention. Limited to 12 dog/handler teams.
Additional information:
- For one handler per dog. Handlers should be at least 15 years old.
Dogs should be at least 6 months old with all vaccinations up to date. Please leave your dog at home on the first night of class.
- You must pre-register for the Beginner Course. Class size is limited and this course often fills.
Download a Beginner Course application (PDF format - free Adobe Acrobat Reader required to view and print)
- Questions? Call Margaret Stubbs, 781-894-4315.
- There are no classes on Monday holidays. Class meets on the Wednesday immediately following the holiday.
- Toy breeds up to 1 year of age may attend the Advanced Puppy Course instead of this beginner course if space permits.
Advanced Beginner Class with Rally
Meets Mondays, 6:45-7:30pm at the UMass Field Station, Waltham MA. Instructor: Jane Young. Assistant Instructor: Jack Hines.
- For those who have completed a Beginner Course.
- Includes the rally obedience exercies.
- Provides review and further work in basic obedience and the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) exercises. Take the CGC Test whenever you are ready. There are CGC Tests offered at intervals during the year. See CGC Test schedule
- Ongoing sessions. Fees: Members $10/night, Non-members $15/night effective 1/5/2009; Members may purchase a 6 night discount card for $50.
- There are no classes on Monday holidays, however training will be held on the Wednesday immediately following the holiday. There is sometimes a different schedule on Wednesday evenings. See the master schedule.
- If you've never trained at CRDTC before, please print out and complete a training application and bring it with you the first time you come to class.
- No class in July or August. See Summer Training
Novice/Open Competition Obedience
Meets Mondays 7:30-8:30 pm (long sit/down 8:15-8:30pm) at the UMass Field Station.
Instructor: Tracy Mulrenan
- For first time handlers
- Focus on the AKC Novice exercises with an introduction to skills for Open, so not every novice exercise will be practiced every week.
- Ongoing classes, September through June. Attend on a regular or occasional (drop-in) basis.
- Fees: Members $10/night, Non-members $15/night effective 1/5/2009; Members may purchase a 6 night discount card for $50.
- There are no classes on Monday holidays, however training will be held on the Wednesday immediately following the holiday. There is often a different schedule on Wednesday evenings. See the master schedule.
- If you've never trained at CRDTC before, please print out and complete a training application and bring it with you the first time you come to class.
- No class in July or August. See Summer Training
Advanced Competition Obedience
Meets Mondays 8:15-9:15pm (Long sit/down, 8:15-8:30pm) at the UMass Field Station.
Instructor: Tracy Mulrenan
- For handlers working in Open and/or Utility. Beginners to Utility are welcome! Open and Utility alternate weeks - see the master schedule
- Ongoing classes, September through June. Attend on a regular or occasional (drop-in) basis.
- Fees: Members $10/night, Non-members $15/night effective 1/5/2009; Members may purchase a 6 night discount card for $50.
- There are no classes on Monday holidays, however training will be held on the Wednesday immediately following the holiday. There is often a different schedule on Wednesday evenings. See the master schedule.
- If you've never trained at CRDTC, please print out and complete a training application and bring it with you the first time you come to class.
- No class in July or August. See Summer Training
Individual Obedience Run-throughs
Offered Mondays, 9:15-9:45pm, at the UMass Field Station.
Rotating schedule; completely matted, gated, regulation-sized ring.
Schedule subject to change so check often for the latest updates -
- Offered weekly on a rotating, sign-up basis as time permits. Club members have priority.
Limits: 5 Novice, 4 Open, 3 Utility per night.
- Fee: No additional fee if you have paid for a night of training. Otherwise Members $10, Non-members $15
- If you've never trained at CRDTC, please print out and complete a training application and bring it with you the first time you come to train.
- Run-Through Night: Wednesday, Feb 18, 2009.
Pre-registration for members. Walk-ins accepted if space is available. Members $10, Non-members $15
- No run-throughs in July and August. See Summer Training
Puppy Kindergarten
Meets 6:30-7:20pm once per week for 6 weeks. Instructor: Dianne Campos
- For puppies 8-16 weeks of age at the start of class.
- Puppies must be on a schedule of routine vaccinations and have had vaccinations appropriate for their age. It is recommended that pups have a series of two vaccinations by the start of class, however, check with your veterinarian.
- Class size is limited. Pre-registration is required. Fee $125.
- To register, contact the instructor at 781 273-4012 or camposd @verizon.net
before sending in your application.
printable application
Advanced Puppy Course
Meets 7:30-8:20pm once per week for 6 weeks. Instructor: Dianne Campos
Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Program
The CRDTC Beginner Obedience Course and Advanced Beginner Course are based on the CGC exercises.
Several CGC Tests are offered during the year. Space is limited and graduates of the CRDTC Advanced Beginner Course have priority. Please bring a copy of your dog's current rabies certificate and town license to the CGC Test. Rabies tag alone is not sufficient. Test Fee: $15.
For additional information and to check space availability, email crdtc@geocities.com.
CGC Test Schedule:
- Nov 3 2008, 6:00-6:45pm. Limit: 6
- Jan 5 2009, 6:00-6:45pm. Limit: 6
- New date: Apr 13 2009, 6:00-6:45pm. Limit: 6
- May 16 2009 in conjunction with the CRDTC Show & Go match, Newton MA
Jun 29 2009, 6:45-7:30pm. cancelled
CRDTC CGC Evaluators:
Roseann Mandell - AKC CGC Evaluator #2640
Beatrice Perpignand - AKC CGC Evaluator #3257
Geoff Stern - AKC CGC Evaluator #4439
Jane Young - AKC CGC Evaluator #16927
Jack Hines - AKC CGC Evaluator #19381
Rally Obedience
The CRDTC Advanced Beginner Course offers an introduction to rally obedience as part of the coursework.
If you've never trained at CRDTC, please print out and complete a training application and bring it with you.
A number of rally events are held during the year.
- Tuesday, Oct 21 2008: Rally Workshop
- Tuesday, Feb 17 2009: Rally Workshop.
- Friday, April 17 2009: Rally Workshop and Run-Throughs
Instructor: Pete Frykman.
Held at the UMass Field Station, Waltham MA.
7:00 to 9:00pm. Drop-in! Open to all.
Fees: Members $15 / Non-members $20
- May 16 2009: Rally Show & Go match, Newton MA
Special Workshops
- Oct 15 2008: Obedience Workshop - Focus and Attention: The Team Approach.
Instructor: Janice Ritter.
- Jan 9, 2009: Attention Course
Meets Fridays for 8 weeks, 8:30-9:30pm. Instructor: Janice Ritter.
Class size limited; preference to CRDTC members; registration required; fee $125
- Apr 6 2009: Obedience Workshops
Instructor: Tracy Mulrenan
Intro to Open at 7:30
Intro to Utility at 8:30.
- Apr 10 2009: Stay Workshop
Instructor: Janice Ritter.
Held at the UMass Field Station, Waltham MA.
- May 27 2009: Obedience Workshop: Intro to Open and Utility
Held at the UMass Field Station, Waltham MA.
- June 1, 2009: Introduction to Tracking
For Beginners only. Three Monday night classes in Waltham MA. Registration required; limited entry with preference to CRDTC members. FMI: Roseann, crdtc@geocities.com
- July 2009: Summer Training
Instructor: Tracy Mulrenan.
Monday evenings; starts July 6 at 6:45pm. No classes in August.
Informal training - one combined class for dogs working at the novice, open, utility levels. Generally for dogs that have been taking CRDTC spring classes. Held outdoors in Weston MA.
For CRDTC Members Only
- At the UMass Field Station
- Practice ring (10x30 ft) available in 15 minute blocks on Monday nights from 6:00-9:30pm
Please note that this ring will not be available from 7:30-8:30 if the novice competition class is full.
- Special training sessions some Fridays, 8:30-9:30pm
Fall 2009 class information is on our new site
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