Directions to the University of Massachusetts Field Station

The University of Massachusetts Field Station is located at 240 Beaver Street, Waltham, MA, directly opposite the main entrance to the Cedar Hill Girl Scouts property and Great Hall.

From Route 128: Take Exit 28A Trapelo Road east toward Belmont. Go 3 to 4 miles, then turn right onto Route 60. Take Route 60 West to Beaver Street (traffic light with Shell gas station on the corner). Turn right onto Beaver Street. The UMass Field Station is a brick building, about 100 yards up on the left. Enter the driveway just past the building.

From Route 20: If you’re coming from the east, turn right at Lyman Street (landmark: Kentucky Fried Chicken on the corner). If you’re coming from the west or Weston area, turn left at Lyman Street. Proceed to the DeVincent Circle rotary. Go through the rotary to Beaver Street. Continue straight past Bentley College to 240 Beaver Street. The UMass Field Station is a brick building on the right. Enter the driveway just before the building.

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