
Copyright, 1998 Nancy McGirr.  Children's Photography Project of Guatemala.


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We believe that each member of the congregation is called to reach out to Christ by reaching out to those in need. When we feed the hungry, we feed Christ. When we welcome the stranger, we welcome Christ. We have various projects and activities during the year to help us live into this servant ministry. The following are but a few of the outreach activities our members participate in:
  • Out of the Dump:  We support the efforts of one of our parishoners, Nancy McGirr, in the Children's Photographic Project of Guatemala City or better known as "Out of the Dump." The purpose of this project is to assist children who live or used to live in Guatemala City's garbage dump to stay in school, and also to learn how to use photography in a creative, and hopefully, life-enhancing way.

  • To learn more about Out of the Dump and Nancy McGirr, please click here.
  • UPAVIM:  St. James also supports the efforts of the Rev. Richard Fenske, who along with his wife Barbara, run the project, "UPAVIM" ("Unidas Para Vivir Mejor" -- Women United in order to Live Better). This projects assists women in educational and work related areas. UPAVIM provides women with an opportunity to learn new skills for the economic market place. The women sell their products within Guatemala and export to North America and Europe. UPAVIM also provides child care and educational opportunities for the children of the women members. Members also receive access to dental and medical care. UPAVIM is located in Mesquital, a poor section on the outskirts of Guatemala City.

  • To learn more about UPAVIM, please send an email by clicking here.


Copyright 1999, 2000.  St. James Episcopal Church, Guatemala, Guatemala C.A.
Webmaster:  Julia Roane Hendrix, click here.