Parish Life


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The primary activities of our parish life are care giving and fellowship. From program dinners to meals for families in crisis, we support the community through acts of love and concern.
  • Greeters: These are the welcoming faces a visitor encounters upon entering the church, who distribute Newcomer Brochures, and assist with name tags and directions.

  • Contact: Rony Chavez
  • Hospitality Committee: The Hospitality Committee coordinates parish-wide social activities throughout the year as well as organizes the Sunday coffee hour.

  • Contact: Jean Brandt
  • Pastoral Care Committee: This group of lay volunteers joins the clergy in pastoral calling, home communion and intentional prayer ministry. 

  • Contact: Spencer Buchanan
  • Communications: The parish newsletter, The Epistle, is our monthly communication tool. In addition, our Sunday bulletins keep us posted on weekly happenings.  Finally, our web site reaches out to the greater world-wide Christian community.

  • Contact:  Julia Hendrix
Our 1999 - 2000 Mission Committee consists of the following people:

Senior Warden:  Steven Hendrix  email:  click here.
Junior Warden:   Ricardo Frohmader
Treasurer:          Barbara de Echeverria
Clerk:                Graeme Thompson  email: click here.
Pastoral Care:    Spencer Buchanan  email:  click here.
                         Rony Chavez  email:  click here.
Hospitality:         Jean Brandt
                         Joan Painter Bonatti
Sunday School:  Sheri Walters  email:  click here.
                         Torene David  email:  click here.

We are pleased to announce the call of our new priest, The Rev. Virginia Hall.  We anticipate that her installation as Vicar of St. James will happen in February, 2000.

Our 1999 - 2000 Lay Readers consist of the following people:

Barbara de Barrillas
Helen Brose
Spencer Buchanan
Julia Hendrix
Graeme Thompson



Copyright 1999, 2000.  St. James Episcopal Church, Guatemala, Guatemala C.A.
Webmaster:  Julia Roane Hendrix, click here.