Adopted Family

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Hope you enjoy visiting my adopted pets and friends because I love taking care of them and my mommy helps me.

Please do not kidnap any of my friends, you can adopt your very own by clicking on some of them and you will be taken to the adoption agencies or go to page 2 of my adoption page and their are links for you to adopt there.


Adopted Family

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Birthday Page

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Christie's House

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Adopted Family

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Birthday Page

Christmas Page

Christie's House

Disney Pages

Easter Page


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Memorial Page

Pageant Page

Photo Page

Pooh Page


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My Angelmouse is named after my Nana (Carol)

My Angelbear is named Gwen after my other Nana that has passed away on September 12th of 1996

I also have a baby bear named Taylor after me

and incase my baby bear gets tired here is her crib and blanket to lay down with

and here are some toys for my baby bear Taylor to play with when she wakes up

Lady's Home, Welcome

Meet my doggy, her name is Lady after my real life dog, I have to feed her, walk her, take her out and play with her and mommy and daddy help me

Here is Lady's food and water bowl, also her bone and ball she loves to play with

I also have my queenbear and her name is Mommy and her castle

Meet "Pokey", she is very shy!

Meet "Sakora" named after my mommy's real horse, she runs fast in the field and I love to pet her

Meet "Tabatha" the dinosaur, she gets into alot of trouble so keep an eye on her!

Meet "Frosty", I have to keep it real cold for her or she will melt

Please meet Destiny my star, she watches over all of our lost loved ones

Please check back to see more of my adopted family, we will be updating regularly.